
Pregnant Fish - HELP!!?

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I have a danio whose belly is really swollen. It's been like that for around 3 weeks so I think she is pregnant. I put her and the male in a separate breeding tank...but what do I do now? I don't know when she will lay her eggs!

How long does it usually take for a danio to lay eggs?(incubation period?)

And is it a good idea to put her with the male? They seem to be getting along fine but I'm not sure if she'll attack him.




  1. Yes, danios do lay eggs.  Yes you need to leave him in the tank with her so he can fertilize the eggs.  Usually with danios, you want to have a layer of marbles on the bottom of the tank, so the eggs can fall through between them, and the parents can't get to them to eat them.  

    Not sure on the incubation period or whatever, but usually the females will look fatter in the belly area.  I've noticed with mine, she'll start laying on the bottom of the tank breathing heavy.  Then the males start harassing her and she swims off. Good luck.

  2. This is what dropsy looks like in a zebra danio Ok, put marbles at the bottom of the tank so the eggs will fall between the marbles and the fish can not eat them. YES it is a good thing you put the female with the male. The male does have to fertilize the eggs once the female releases them! Keep them in the tank for about 1 day and them take them out. The eggs will hatch in about 2 days. If you did not condition the pair(Feed them high protein food like blood worms and brine shrimp for at least a week) Then chances are it is not full with eggs, but she has a bad disease called dropsy that is untreatable.

    This is what dropsy looks like in a zebra danio compared to a normal zebra danio-

    There is no cure for dropsy and it is not contagious.

    This is what a zebra danio looks like full of eggs-

  3. danios don't lay eggs.

  4. No offence but don't get too nervous or excited about it. My fish had babies. She will look really fat. She and the other fish usually eat the babies before they have a chance to grow up. I know very sad... :(

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