Hello Everyone,
Im 5 months pregnant by my Irish partner, i still live in the uk, he in Ireland. Since i discovered i was pregnant he has put a lot of pressure on me to give birth in Ireland but wont say why. I have looked into maternity services in his area and found them to be very overstreched but in fairness did give it a go and have some antenatal there but after asking many questions decided against it.
Anyway he is getting really nasty about me deciding to give birth in the uk and i have not spoken to him as i wont tolerate his attitude without a reason.
Can anyone from Ireland please shed some light on why he would want me to give birth in Ireland? We are unmarried. I know in the uk he has no automatic rights but was wondering in Ireland does he get them and maybe this is why? Im just puzzled.
His parents are also really pushy and are telling me if i split with him they will take the baby away from me and that they can. Well as things stand we are split so hey ho