
Pregnant Mommies....

by Guest62662  |  earlier

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Are you nervous about your upcoming baby? What about your current baby staying away from you while birthing? Do you think it is going to be hard having two rather than one? Share your fears!




  1. I am nervous, mainly because I will basically be taking care of the two babies by myself. My husband has a job where he is away for a month and a half at a time, and then home for 2 weeks...but most of the time its just me and my daughter ( and soon to be a new baby) I am trying to find someone able to fly down to stay with me right around the time I'm due and hopefully for the week after the baby is born. All our family lives out of state, so it makes it a little tricky.I'm also worried I'll go into labor early and my husband will still be out to sea and I'll have to go to the hospital by myself. I would have to call a friend to watch my daughter in that case. I'm okay with being away from my baby overnight, I had another stay in the hospital earlier this year and made it through that okay, and labor and delivery should only take a day or two.I think having two in diapers will be tough, and I'm sure I'll have moments when I sit and cry right along with the babies..but it will all be worth it and I know I'll get through well enough :)  

  2. I have 11 and 6 year old daughters and I am 15 weeks with my 3rd baby. I am nervous about the baby because it has been so long since I have had one but I am not worried about them being away from me during the birth. My 11 year old Shannon has decided she wants to be their with me and Molly (the 6 year old) will be staying at her best friends.

  3. I have a 2 year old son & I am 3 months pregnant.  I'm anxious to see how my son will relate to the baby... he will probably be jealous.  As far as my son staying away from me while birthing, that's not really a concern.  My husband & I have taken a few trips and have left him w/ his grandmothers.  We know he's in excellent hands:)

    I definitely think things will get a little more complicated having two children.  Life won't be as simple as it was w/ having one child.  Nevertheless, I think it will be worth it.  I'm ready for another baby & my son is ready for a playmate:)

    Best wishes w/ your 2nd baby:)

  4. I am a little nervous. My son is 2 and I am due with my second in February. My biggest worry is how my son will adjust to the new baby. Also worried if I have enough room. I live in a two bedroom apartment. I am not really worried about my boy being away from me during the birth. He will be with his grandparents and he is with them a lot. I will be having a scheduled C-section so that might make the part easier. I am very nervous about recovering from a c-section while taking care of a newborn and a 2 year old, but I have lots of help. Both sets of grandparents live only a few blocks away. (we live in a very small town)

  5. yes I have anxiety I guess since I am due December 21st --just before xmas & my 3 yr old will be 4 in December 9th as well. 13 is our anniversary... but mostly because my son will start school next year in August.. I just worry that I will be so overwhelmed and can't balance it all out.... plus we only have 1 vehicle hubbys in the USMC & we are planning on getting out-- but still not sure till he talks with his career planner & if we do then we will be moving in August around the time my 4 yr old starts Pre K  eeeks... And he's not used to going to sitters etc... so Yes I think I have a good reason to have anxiety lol..  But on a positive note I want another baby so my son can have a playmate he points & gets soo excited every time he sees a baby & says mommy mommy look... But I  I hear its not too hard.... I really hoep hes not jealous of the other boy whcih im sure will be normal if he is. But we will have to make an effort to keep things balance-- and give him plenty of attention as well... & let him see the baby & help if he wants. & It helps to have a very supportive hubby that will help out lots... which I do so Im very blessed! Good luck !

  6. My son will be almost 3 when his baby brother comes. I am really not too nervous, the only thing I kind of fear is that I don't think I can possibly love another being as much as I do my current son, but I know I will love this baby just as much! My son really looks forward to helping he won't be there for the actually birth but he will be there before and after! We have a birthing suite so my husband and son will be staying the nights with us. My husband will be able to do stuff with our son to keep him distracted so I am really not too worried about any of that. I just fear that one child will think I love the other more- I am sure I will be faced with this eventually I just don't want then to feel left out!  

  7. I am pregnant with my third child right now. I have 6 year old and a 4 year old right now. My oldest was 2 when I had my second son. The only I worried was how would my 2 year old handle baby around that he not only child anymore. But of course jealous all I seen from him. But now he loves his brother so much and they have this bond. This one I am worried about my four year being used to being the youngest and getting the attention that he gets. But I do have the love for all three of my children. And I planning to manage when baby sleeps my youngest get his attention and loving. I know he won't be able to handle me being gone for two days. He a mommy boy and doesn't like being away from mommy for a long time especially if he doesn't feeling to good. But he been giving my belly kisses and hugs and telling me for the baby. I preparing him for this one. I will miss my kids. But my mom will bring my boys to meet their new possible a girl right now.

  8. i think about those things scared that its going to be hard to take care of 2 insted of scared that my first is going to feel left out, not loved, im scared to leave him for the time that i am so many thing runs though my head.....but i jus keep tellling myself that everything will be ok...and i can deal with those things when the times comes....and just preppare my little one now for the new baby that will be coming!!

  9. I am so nervous but this is my first before i was pregnant i thought it would just be the same and then in 9 months i would have a baby but now i realise be pregnant is my life its all i think about and al i worry about its like nothing else matters
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