
Pregnant? Need Lots of women to respond to this! THANK YOU!?

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My period is expected on the 28th of august. I had unprotected s*x on the 15th and 17th. I have been spotting since yesterday and I'm freaking out. I know me and my partner have been irresponsible.. no one to blame but us.. but we still are not having this baby.. if that is the case. What do you think. I'm freaking out at work just thinking about it! Ive been reading ovulation websites.. and they said I should be able to take a test on friday to see if I'm pregnant. I have an early pregnancy test at home.. but I think if I take it it would give me a false negative..




  1. I would take it. Always youse the early respons test and use morning urine! Are you going to have a abortion? You said "but we still are not having this baby" I think you should give the baby a chance at life! Your mom let you have your life!  

  2. You could be pregnant.... Have you considered Plan B pill?  I think you can still take one to prevent pregnancy if you can get one asap from a planned parenthood.  

      How old are you?

  3. A pregnancy test would not give you an accurate result right now.  WAY too early.  You have 72 hours to take a Plan B.  Call planned parenthood and go get one NOW (today is your last day if you conceived on the 17th).  It sure beats having an abortion (since you state you won't keep the baby, unless you plan to adopt out).

  4. Why don't you go get a blood test done, nothing more accurate than that!

  5. You may very weel be pregnant. You might as well wait until the 29th of August before you test, just to make sure you get the most positive result you can. That way there's hopefully no confusion.  

  6. Take Plan B, like the other women said, you're not too late for it if you conceived on the 17th. If you still don't get your period, don't freak, but do go and have a proper pregnancy blood test done, because it's more accurate this way, and I have heard from women who have missed their period the month after Plan B.

    After this, talk to your health care provider about other ways of preventing this in the future. There are way too many birth control options out there. You should also both be tested for STDs and STIs as well as AIDS before carrying on this behaviour.

  7. If friday is that first day you can test, the first day your period is due, then i might wait until sunday and if your period has't shown up then do the test with 1st morning urine sunday morning.

  8. Danny;

    your question is basically are you pregnant? You say that you have a home pregnancy test at home but you think if you take it you will get a false negative result. if you have been reading ovulation websites you should have seen that home pregnancy tests have sensitivities of as low as 20 miu up to 50-100. the 20miu level should be reached at 8-10 days post ovulation, and50 miu at 12 days post ovulation.

    if your period is due on Aug 28 then ovulation should have occurred around Aug 14 (6days ago) as a result you should be ready to test on aug 22,24,26 using an early pregnancy test. I had seen a few responders talk about plan B. If your pregnancy test is positive there is no plan B, you are down to plan C-D. a positive pregnancy test is caused by placental implantation

    HCG pregnancy tests determine pregnancy through the detection of the hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in a woman's urine. In technical terms, hCG is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the developing placenta shortly after a fertilized egg has implanted in the uterine lining.

    Clinically speaking, HCG is measured in thousandths of International Units, or mIU. Pregnancy tests with a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml are more sensitive than tests with 50 to 100 mIU/ml. Test brands will display how sensitive their tests are using mIU as the standard unit of measure. Test sensitivity equates with early-detection - and the lower the number, the sooner a test can detect pregnancy. The most sensitive pregnancy tests can detect hCG levels at as low as 20 mIU - or at around 8 days following implantation of the egg.

    At Home Diagnostics is one of the first Internet providers of FDA approved early home pregnancy tests. Tests are affordable, generic, come individually sealed with expiration dates extending two years.

    How Soon Can I Test?

    If a woman is pregnant, the amount of hCG in her system should be around 25 mIU at 10 dpo (days past ovulation), 50 mIU at 12 dpo, 100 mIU at around two weeks dpo. Blood tests can determine pregnancy as low as between 5 to 10 mIU/hCG, though with levels of 5 mIU, a conclusive determination cannot be made without risking a "false positive" (as low levels hCG can be present in the body without pregnancy).

    Drugstore pregnancy tests generally detect pregnancy at 50 mIU - 100 mIU hCG, though you can find early-detection pregnancy tests on the Internet with sensitivity levels as low as 20 mIU. With all diagnostic products, take care to follow the instructions. Please consult the chart below for a comparison of pregnancy tests:

    I will include the link to this site;

    I was not going to include any opinion just the technical info but you did ask;I know me and my partner have been irresponsible.. no one to blame but us.. but we still are not having this baby.. if that is the case. What do you think. I think that, in a world where many can't have children, that a decision to end a pregnancy before it is even confirmed is despicable. " I don't know if I am or am not pregnant, but we are still not having this baby.

    by the way, your question states that you need lots of women to respond. Is a male response invalid automatically?

  9. Take the early test then take another if it says negative. If you dont want the baby please find out as soon as possible so that the baby dosent have time to grow much before you abort. Please look it up its so sad that some girls have abortins at like 10-14 weeks the baby has heart beat and everything. Think ahead take birth control! I know everyone makes mistakes and its ok but try to be a little more responsible know that you have this issue on your hands!

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