
Pregnant? Need clarification! Please answer!?

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Over a month ago my boyfriend and I had protected s*x. (July 19thish) He used a condom that had spermicide in it and the condom never broke and he pulled out before ejaculation.

For some reason I started to worry that I was pregnant. My period came 2 weeks ago (but it was over a week late). Before my period, I took 4 pregnancy tests all around the time when my real period was due, all were negative.

I am getting on birth control very soon but is there a possiblity I could be pregnant? I know no period= not pregnant but I read about things online. So please answer! (Nice answers only) thanks.

(I also have no symptoms i.e. don't feel weird, normal etc.)




  1. your period is probably just late.  stress and other things can affect your period. so just wait it out, and if you cant take it anymore go to a doctor and have them do a blood test to confirm whether you are or not.  good luck.

  2. Why don't you go to the doctor just to be sure? If you are afraid of your parents or whoever finding out then maybe go to a free clinic like planned parenthood. And just like one of the people above me said, before ANY body gives you birth control they will give you a pregnancy test.  Good luck. Hope all works out for you.  

  3. The gyno will give you a pregnancy test before he gives you birth control

  4. well honeslty i think you know that answer if you had a condom on it did  not break and you had a period no symptoms then what are you worried about. You should learn there all is to know about s*x before you start having it!  

  5. You being stressed about being pregnant could have caused your period to be late. Stress does crazy things to your body. I wouldn't be too worried. Take another test now if it will make you feel better, but I do not think you're pregnant.

  6. stress can make period late, sounds like you are Not preggo. when you start birth control the doc will make sure you are not as well.

  7. stress can effect when you get your period making it late and or early

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