
Pregnant? Odd Symptoms right after coming off Depo?!?

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Ok... I know everyone hates these questions... but I am at a loss. I have been on the depo shot for almost three years with no period. My next shot was due July 9th. I decided to stay off of BC for awhile to let my body feel better. Now its August 20th and I am wondering... I feel sick, my b*****s are sore, head aches off and on, odd bowel movements (sorry for the TMI!) I had some spotting/period? for a few days at the end of July/beginning of August, but that's it. Also I took a HPT three days ago and it came back negative. BUT I have had unprotected s*x with my husband 5 or 6 times since July 9th.

What I am wondering is: Could I be pregnant? Do I just wait and see? Has anyone gotten pregnant so quickly after coming off Depo?

Thanks for your help and Kindness!




  1. i was on Depo once for just a little while and it completely screwed with my system. I would check with you Doctor and have a blood test just in case but don't get your hopes up or down as the case may be

  2. I was on Depo for over 5 years when I got off of it because we were trying to get pregnant after our wedding and the Doc said that it would take about 18 months to get pregnant.  Boy was she wrong.  2 months later I was pregnant.  It can happen.  But if you haven't even had a real period yet, I imagine that you body is just getting ready for that.

  3. For most cases i would say that its safe to say congrats, but from being on depo as long as you were, and from my personal experiences from depo, I doubt that its possible for you to become pregnant from the lack of eggs that can be produced, and knowing the way the medication works.

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