
Pregnant People Answer :)?

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If you got mornin sickness, How far gone are you?, cos ive got it and found out like 3 days ago im pregnant... not bin doccys yet.. bit scared :|

Or like, does it vary in differrent people :)

Thanks <3




  1. I&#039;m 12 weeks gone now with my first (get my first scan tomoro :D) and i had morning sickness from around 7-8 weeks, it was more feelin really sick though, like a lump in my throat, and certain smells making me feel sick. Was never sick that much though, only a couple of times! I never got it every day either, it kinda came and went which was wierd! But i seem to feel a lot better now :) Good luck with your pregnancy, enjoy it! X

  2. I didnt get morning sickness until about 2 weeks after my missed period. It varies in everyone, when they get it, and for long they get. Thats if they even get it at all lol. Then you can get it again in late pregnancy. Its not fun getting the morning sickness, but nothing to be worried about. :) congrats!

  3. some people are nastily sick the entire pregnancy, some dont get it at all. everyones different. what are you scared of?

  4. I was sick a couple of days before I knew I was pregnant.  I thought I had a bug.  I found out I was pregnant on the day my period was due.  So, I was sick from my 4th week through the rest of my first trimester.  I&#039;m 25 weeks now and I&#039;ve been fine.  Everyone is different though.

  5. i got &#039;morning sickness&#039; straight away, i am now 31 weeks and still suffering with it :(

  6. im 36 weeks pregnant with our first. i never suffered with morning sickeness (thank god!) but i know other people who suffered with it from the day they got pregnant till the day they gave birth. it is different for everyone, my pregnancy is completely different to both my sisters and my mum. they all had high blood pressure but mine has stayed low all the way so far

  7. My mum didnt get morning sickness at all in any of her pregnancys. I didnt get sick but i gagged when i had to eat. Not sure how far i was when i got it, but it stopped at about 16 weeks i think.  

  8. I&#039;m 8 weeks, 6 days and I&#039;ve had it really bad since my 8 week mark. I had little nausea here and there since about 5 weeks but it REALLY started in at 8 weeks...I&#039;ve only had it bad for 6 days and I&#039;m already ready to get rid of it!!! Lol. I hope it goes away soon, it&#039;s no fun!

  9. 1st 3months

  10. Well everyone is different but with my first pregnancy i found out when i was 5 weeks but didn&#039;t start getting morning sickness until about 9 weeks then was really sick up until about 25 weeks. With my second i felt sick every morning right from the start thats what made me know i was pregnant. With this pregnancy i haven&#039;t really had morning sickness just felt sick when i smelt food i don&#039;t like.  

  11. I&#039;v got it - had it since I was about 5-6 weeks pregnant and i&#039;m now 34 weeks. Not everyone gets it, and for most, it stops around 12-14 weeks. I&#039;m one of the unlucky ones i guess.

  12. Goodness chica, your style of writing is hard to understand.

    I assume that you are asking when MS goes away?  Normally around the end of the first trimester (between 12-14 weeks).

    Morning sickness affects different people different ways.  Some people are fine, some people throw up, some people get it at night.

    You&#039;ll be fine! It comes to an end at some point!

    Good luck!

  13. It typically does not start until around the middle of the second month of pregnancy. Most women don&#039;t find out they are pregnant until they are already 1 month pregnant. You shouldn&#039;t be scared but should schedule a doctors appointment.

  14. Two people are never the same but i started having mourning sickness when i hit about 6 weeks, so i don&#039;t think that&#039;s gonna be very much help cause mine only lasted a week then i was never sick again, but my friend was sick the enitre time,lol. So... good luck.

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