
Pregnant/Sick Mollie?

by  |  earlier

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I have a female mollie and she a little more plump than usual, so i think she may be pregnant. I have had these mollies since they were born and gave them all away except two(a male and a female of course :( ).

But the male mollie died two days ago with no visible signs of why it died( they are only 2 months old), and i can kinda see some white stuff around her lips. Its not ick cuz i know what ick looks like. Do you think its an external fungus, and if so what time of stuff should i use to cure her?




  1. Your local pet store, or local tropical fish store should provide a good selection of anything that can cure an external fungus.

  2. sorry that she died but if you get another mollie then get melafix to cure it . she had cotton mouth and melafix cures it.
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