
Pregnant Teen, need help!?

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Alright, here it goes:

My friend is pregnant and is 16 years old. She told me this just recently and confessed she is about 4 months along, but is trying to lose it instead of getting an abortion. She thinks she is too far along to get an abortion, so is drinking and doing drugs to try and lose her baby. I'm trying t convince her she still has the 'option', but honestly im not sure she does. If she doesnt then what do I tell her to do?! Help!




  1. Look, there is a SMALL chance that she will lose the baby doing drugs and drinking, that will only mess up the poor child and give him/her very big issues with their life. And yes 4 months is too far along. Take her to clinic so she can learn about her options. It is her fault for getting pregnant and she needs to take correct responsibilty over this child. Take her to a doctor or something please becuase this is just horrible. How can you let her do this? Do more research or call planned parenthood if you have that in your state and talk to someone there about what she can do. They also have many pregnancy hotlines that you or her can call to get help. Just PLEASE don't let her ruin this childs poor innocent life. She also may be able to get an abortion, I am not too sure, my aunt, who is a nurse practitioner told me I had to make my decision before I was 17 weeks pregnant. Good Luck

    Also, maybe you can show her picture of abortions at 4 months pregnant and let her see how horrible and innocent the child is. It isnt the childs fault. Google some pictures and maybe that will scare her out of doing what she is doing.

  2. she needs to quick tell her parents she's pregnant so she can get the help she needs! the baby will most definitely be born with mental problems or severely deformed, so it is best to get an abortion so the poor baby isn't punished with an unhealthy, sad life!

  3. Your friend needs to stop being so stupid, if she is pregnant and that far gone she could be causing untold distress to the baby, who is totally blameless in all of this.  If she really does not want it then she should do the decent thing and seek professional help so she minimize the pain for the baby.  What your friend really needs to think about is the future, she will have to live with what she is doing (by this I mean the drinking and drugs while pregnant in an attempt to kill the baby) and sometime down the line, when she is ready to start a family, she will have to live with the memory of what she has done.  Poor baby is all I can say :(

  4. If I was her friend, I'd kick her @$$ and report her for abuse to herself and an unborn child. She can have the f*cking baby and just give it up for adoption, so people who CAN'T get pregnant, and WANT a baby can have a chance. If you guys are 16, wtf is wrong with you. Ever heard of birth control, condoms!? Tell her to grow up and accept her f*cking actions. Instead of making that baby mentally disabled. F*CK STUPID GIRLS LIKE THAT DESERVE TO GET AN STI!

  5. Tell her she needs to grow up.  She had s*x, that baby did not ask for this.  She can give it up for adoption if she cant grow up enough to take care of it.  But killing an innocent baby is not the answer.  I was 15 when I had my first son and I grew up and raised him.  He is now 10 and a very smart, amazing kid.  Stop her before its too late.

  6. she is past the point of abortion she needs to get her act together and take care of herself if she doesn't want the baby then she should seek help from an adult or discuss adoption with her there are hundreds of couples out there that are more then willing to adopt a baby. if she continues to drink and do drugs she is only going to make things worse for herself and the baby.

  7. well tell her that she should have thought about it before she had s*x! i am 17 and pregnant, age doesn't freaking matter. she is very selfish. she is trying to take a life and drinking and doing drugs will not necessarily kill the baby so the baby could be born mentally retarded. your friend should step up and take the responsibility even if she doesn't wanna keep it then give it up and tell her not to freaking have s*x ever again until she is ready to deal with the consequences that can happen

  8. drinking and doing drugs wont kill it, it will probably just give it disabilities which would be just ruiniung their life, not killing it.

    go to the doctor. they need to be  responsible for their actions.

  9. You need to encourage her to speak with a trusted adult,. She cannot do this on her own, that is why she talked with you. Maybe you could enlist the help of an adult YOU trust, and try to help her.

  10. She needs to talk to a doctor, if she really feels that she wants an abortion, drinking and doing drugs may well kill the child but may not. If she does not lose the child she may have to live with a brain damaged child for the rest of her life. She NEEDS to talk to a doctor ASAP

  11. Sounds like she needs counceling and is really scared, which is understandable. I know it's a bit more difficult at 4 months but can still be performed. Tell her to call Planned Parenthood in your area. They won't charge her and will get her in asap..they can also give her some options and will not tell her parents if she doesn't want.

  12. I personally don't believe in abortion, but heres the thing........ if she is going to drink and be misusing drugs then there are clinics out there that will abort the baby even this late.  Let her know that she could even know the s*x of the baby and that like doesn't just end b/c whe is pregnant.  There are many more options!  I am a foster/ adoptive parent.  She could put him/her up for adoption.  I got pregnant when I was 17 and I was scared to death.  I knew my parents would kill me.  I wish I could talk to her and tell her my story.  Hugs honey for your concern!


  13. Call the cops or something.  Seriously your friend is ****** sick and she's going to burn in h**l.  Tell her parents too.  Go to social services.  Tell anyone who will listen. My Mom knows a chick who had a miscarriage because she was doing drugs and of course they test you so she went to JAIL for MANSLAUGHTER.

  14. I think that no matter what she tries unless she blatantly stabs herself in the stomach or something, she is not going to lose the baby. Thats jus how life is. The baby will be just fine, just becuz she wanted to lose it, so tell her to stop messin herself up and suffer the consequences of her actions. And by the time the baby is born, she will love it so much she'd wonder y she wanted to kill it in the 1st place

  15. ur friend sounds like a dumb ***** who shud have her *** kicked. if she didnt want it she shudnt have fuked!

  16. There's something called SAFE s*x , but anyways. Call an abortion clinic in your area, or tell her mom. There's tons of abortion info on line. Search on yahoo. Drinking and drugs could make her sick and if she changes her mind she doesn't want a messed up baby. abortions are not to expensive less than $400.

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