
Pregnant WOMEN 18 & Up!?

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Why is it a big deal? I am 19 years old. 5 months pregnant, wonderful baby father, excellent FULL-TIME FEDERAL GOVERNMENT job (which mean I'm going to retire early), wonderful family members (including his), renting my own townhome (NO! utilities included), own my own vehicle, college education, Honors student, Excellent credit.

So what is the problem with pregnant mothers my age? I don't think my life is ruined. I'm the type who loves to wake up to a busy day. When my son arrives January, my schedule isn't going to change. My boyfriend works nights, so that KNOCKS OUT money for a baby sitter. No matter what time I go to sleep, I can still be at my job on time.





  1. Absolutely nothing in my opinion.

    Unless your not married

  2. You sound like you're extremely responsible and ready to be a mother.

    I'm happy for you! Congratulations!

    I like the answer above me ^-^


  3. It's not a "problem" when they have their lives together, and it sounds like you do.  I think some people feel that women that age haven't lived life yet and having a child does change the focus of your life--from yourself to this baby.  For many women that age, they haven't finished school, traveled, etc., and it's less likely they'll be able to once the baby arrives.  I find it hard to believe that your schedule isn't going to change once your son arrives, but good luck with that.

  4. I love how you emphasize Pregnant WOMEN 18 and up.

    If it really makes a difference, read my post in 3 months when I am 18.

    I'm 17 and I have an 8 month old. Me and my boyfriend are still together. I'm graduating in 5 months (6 months early) and going to college/university within the next two years. We're able to support our son financially 100% and do not receive any financial aid from the government. I haven't ruined my life. My life is so much better! I'm still doing everything I was doing before my son was born and people shouldn't be so quick to judge that because of my age. We both have our own cars (yes, they're reliable and aren't pieces of junk) and we're both looking at financing new or newer ones next year. My boyfriend works full time. I work one shift a week. Our son has everything he needs (and lots of things he doesn't need) and we keep things stocked. We're not hurting for money just because we're teenagers.

    Besides, how many adults out there are drug and alcohol addicted, neglect, abuse, molest, and murder their children, are on financial aid because they're too lazy to work (those who do work and still receive it, I don't have a problem with), and countless other things. You see one teenager like that and you assume we're all the same.

    If you were that concerned about finding people over 18, you probably shouldn't have posted it in the ADOLESCENT section. Good job.

  5. Nothing is wrong with it.  I don't know who told you there was something wrong with it.  The only downside of having them young is lack of experience and stability.  At 19 you're stability and freedom only goes back a couple of years at most, and to most adults that's not enough time to create a track record or be considered 'established'.  I know plenty of women who started having families and children very young and they are great mothers and wives etc.  It just depends on the person.  Some say I'm ready and then 10 years down the road when they didn't get a chance to experience adulthood with no responsibilites and nothing to tie them down they feel some regret, but not always.  I think when speaking of 'teen' pregnancies that most people look down on, they are referring to those under 18.

  6. People often think that young women (even above the age of 18) aren't financially or emotionally ready for a child. Obviously you are, but not a lot of 19 year olds have achieved what you have or are as willing to settle down and raise a child and give up partying. It's you decision and you sound like you'll be a great mother.


  7. I guess because people think that women at 18/19 aren't emotionally or financially ready for a baby. But you have a very stable home, and are settling down. You seem very mature for your age and have thought everything out. I don't see a problem.

  8. It's only a problem when young people have kids & push them on the grandparents or rely on food stamps or public assistance. THey are making their problem EVERYONE's problem and that isn't right. So with that in mind, not too many 19 year olds are doing as good as you and the stigma or stereotype is pushed on people such as you. You obviously don't have to prove anything to anyone and you aren't pushing your problems onto society so good for you.  

  9. I is 19 and due in Januuy too. I got me a '90 Mitsubishi Eclips with a working tape playa and I gots me a two bedroom apartment right next to the laundry room and my baby daddy just got hired at Kroger's full time as a night shift cashier. I works part time in a nail salon and my 2nd baby's daddy give me $200 a month fo groceries.

    Girls like us that got it made need to stick togetha and shake them hatas off. Ya'll need to dont hate, appreciate.

  10. haha I am 19 and 5 months pregnant as well due January 5, 2009!! renting my own condo.. with a wonderful boyfriend! working at a law firm.. looks like we have something in common.. I dont think there is anything wrong with being pregnant at 19 if you have a life like we do.. if you still live at home living off your parents its different.. your not as grown up as someone who has been living on there own taking care of themselves for the last 3 years.. I moved out on my own when I was 17.. and it has all been up hill since then. My parents could be upset with me.. but they know I am an adult and can obviously take care of a baby no problem.. Goodluck with your pregnancy and Congratulations!

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