
Pregnant Zoey still on the show?

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Does anyone else agree that Jamie Lynn should not be on the show anymore? What is that teaching children? They all know!




  1. Yes, I definetly AGREE!

    I am 14 years old, and i dont look up to her or anything, i have seen the show before cause my little sisters watch it (2 year old, 5year old, 7 year old, and 9 year old). They loved that show! And they found out that she was pregnant and they were shocked and didn't really understand, their like, she a kid! They only think "mommys" have babies. They found out from being in the grocery store line ( the checkout) and it was all over the magazines by the candy and gum(haha!). So yes, she should be kicked off the show, she made a dumb decision, and shes a horribble ro-model for kids.

  2. I agree that she should no longer be on the show. Nickelodeon's position is that this season was completely taped before she got pregnant and this is the las season anyways, but I think it sends completely the wrong message. I tried to use this as a learning tool back when Nick was saying they were going to cancel the show. I told my step-daughter, "see what happens when you make bad choices, are irresponsible, and have s*x before you are ready? Jamie Lynn Spears did it and now she has lost her show and ruined her career." Then a week later Nick decided to keep it on the air. What message does that send? Its ok to be 16 and get pregnant because you can still have your own tv show? This is why I feel that there is only one good role model left on tv for girls. I am a huge fan of Miley Cyrus. She dresses appropriately, acts appropriately and is very family oriented. I am glad they came out with Hannah Montana action figures as I HATE the bratz dolls. They are little hoochies and I don't allow them in our house. Even barbie dress inappropriately now! What are they trying to teach our children? It's disgusting.

  3. The show was filmed before her pregnancy.  So there is no chance of anything being shown or her belly getting bigger.  I think that it is up to parents to decide if they want to have their children continue to watch the show or not.  But there should be no fear about the character being pregnant, only the actress.

  4. My 71/2 year old daughter used to watch that show before we found out she was Pregnant. And needless to say she doesn't watch it anymore. There is no reason for her to be on the show until she has the baby.. She is setting a Bad example for Little girls of all ages.. Try to protect your kids but then also explain why not allowed to watch that show anymore..

  5. You are absolutely right.  She should have killed her baby in secret so that all those kids would have never found out.  After all her main job is to be a role model, not to act in a cable tv show or have a life or mind of her own.  What was she thinking.  

    (And yes, that was totally sarcastic.)

    Besides that--the show is done, the final season is taped.  I guess you are suggesting that nick throw away the work and money they spent on it because you think that teenaged mothers who get pregnant should be punished.

  6. Teenagers were getting pregnant LONG before her. Believe me, kids already know about s*x and pregnancy... it's not a big ol' surprise any more.

  7. Personally, I'd sew the girl up.

    Oh and no, the more s**t that kids are exposed to, the worse the situation gets. It's the very PROBLEM that this has become socially acceptable that we have the continued issues with kids having no self respect thus having no ambition and thwarting their life by having kids early.

    Still, the more morons out there, the more potential earning capacity for me.

  8. I understand why people don't want her and do want her to continue with the show...but I personally have to say no, I don't want her on the show...

    Now I am not saying she should have killed the baby or anything, but I do think that she is sending out the wrong message to younger girls....if they see her doing it, then they will want to do it as well......but we really can't condone her actions, it really is none of our business what she does, or if she is pregnant or not! We aren't her parents... My older girls know she is pregnant, and so we set down as a family and had a discussion about it......

  9. So they all know?  Would you rather she had an abortion and didn't take responsibility for her actions?

    Maybe the kids will learn a lesson, s*x=Pregnancy

  10. As long as her belly doesnt show, it doesnt make a difference

  11. They also ALL know that she's an actress playing a character on a TV show.  It's time we give kids more credit and talk with them directly about our values and what we want for them.  If you have a child who watches the show, have a candid discussion about her pregnancy and move on.  It's not like her character is pregnant.

  12. i am 16 and say that she dose not need to be on that show

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