
Pregnant african chiclid?

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Hello, I have a 10 gallon aquarium & have a spotted African chiclid. (Plus a few other fish) & she is pregnant.

She’s been for a while now.

There are a few things I need to know before the babies come.

So if you can help me I would really appreciate it!

This is what type of breed my fish is, what it looks like:

1. Will she be having live birth or laying eggs?

2. I only have one African chiclid. & I am not sure what my other fish is called, & I also have one of those mini aquarium sharks. So will the fry be mixed breeded?

3. I know my other fish will probably eat the babies. So should I separate them? & if I separate the babies, should I put the mom with her babies or will she eat them too?

4. I read that they keep the eggs (if they lay eggs) in their mouth, & when the babies hatch they stay in the mother’s mouth until matured. Is this going to happen, or is that with some other breed of African chiclid?

5. Is there any special precautions or things I should do when the babies come or when she lays eggs (if she lays eggs)? Or should I just let nature take its regular course?

6. Will my other fish disturb the possible eggs?

And lastly,

If there is any more information I need to know or will be helpful, I would appreciateit if you would be able to help me out.

I’m obviously new with aquariums.





  1. That's not an African cichlid, it's a 3-spot gourami.  Without a male, she won't lay eggs.  Although they will breed with other Trichogaster species of gouramis, they won't with other fish.  These gouramis are not mouth breeders, although there are some that are.

  2. that's not a cichlid. that's a gourami and it won't cross breed with a shark. chances are your fish isn't pregnant it is just fat. Which in most cases says your just over feeding your fish.

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