
Pregnant and Kicked out?

by  |  earlier

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I just told my trashy mom I am pregnant and she just kicked me out. First she slap and beat me in the back and said you aren't bringing a b*****d child in my house. Then she told me to get the h**l out and that she hate me and the baby. I was walking towards the library and she tried to hit me with then car and told me that I needed to get in cause she was going to give me an abortion with a rake and a hanger. I am so scared I have no place to go. Will the library let me stay over night. I don't want to kill my baby. There are no teen homes in my small town I am only 14 help me!! My baby daddy said he only used me for the head and to experiment he is no help. I feel lost and stupid




  1. Wow, the stories you kids come up with these days amaze me.

    If on the off chance this isn't trolling, call the Kids Help Phone or call the police. Either of those will be able to help you better than anyone on Yahoo Answers can.

  2. call 911 now

  3. You dont have any other family members or close friends..... If not you are still considered a child and if your mom is really as bad as you say then you need to call the cops and they will contact social services and place you somewhere safe....

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