
Pregnant and SCARED! Advice please! ?

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We finished our 2nd round of 50 mg clomid, I got what I THOUGHT was my period 3 weeks ago. I thought it was an awfully light period so took a preg test and it was positive. Blood test at Dr confirmed I WAS indeed preg. My HCG had only risen from 218-248 in 48 hrs and it should have doubled so they wanted to terminate it but I said no way - my prog was 108 which IS high. It has been 4 days and my HCG has risen to 639 but my prog has dropped to 75. Dr still says that prog is high but HCG is still rising fast enough? Ultrasound did not show a tubal but too early to see sac. I have been having a lot of clear discharge but last night I had slight pink in the discharge. I started having cramps today but so far no bleeding. I am terrified that I am about to miscarry. Has anyone had similar experiences with cramping, spotting or low HCG levels like this?




  1. I know this is easier said than done but, you need to calm down.  Stress is very bad during pregnancy and studies have shown a relation to stress and pre-term labor and miscarriage.  A little bit of spotting early on is normal for some women.  Try to relax a little bit and be positive!  

    I wish you the best!!

  2. I just wanted to tell you that I was thinking of you, and to hang in there.

    I think you're right not to terminate- I am a firm believer in waiting to see what might happen.  It could be fine, or a chemical pregnancy, blighted ovum- who knows.  Try to reassure yourself that everything will work out the way it should, and surrender because you have no control.

    ETA- I also had cramps & spotting in my last pregnancy- but didn't have HCG checked like that so I am not sure.  

    Wishing you the best!

  3. You can bleed and still be pregnant.  Women often get a little blood at the beginning of a pregnancy called Impantation bleeding.  When the egg implants itself in the wall of your uterus, it usually causes a little blood to come out.  Some women even experience some cramping-like pain.  That phase is very similar to and often confused with getting your period.

    You miscarry if tissue comes out, but to let you know, it is possible to bleed and not miscarry.  I was only about a month pregnant (and I didn't even know) when I thought I got my period.  What had actually happened was I had been hit in the pelvic region, causing some of the wall to bleed out, very similar to a period, but much lighter.  In ultrasounds now, you can see the abrasion, but it has not effected the health of the baby at all.

    Also, in my second trimester, I had a little tissue with a string of blood come out.  We're not entirely sure why, considering I'm in the 7th month and my cervix is still long and closed.  So sometimes weird things happen, but it doesn't necessarily  mean you are or are not pregnant.  Try not to worry too much.  Many women have miscarriages simply so their body can prepare them for "the real thing."  In fact, most women have a miscarriage before they carry full-term.

  4. Well first of all I completely agree with not terminating the pregnancy there is just as big of a chance that your baby will survive as there is that he/she will not. Now as for being scared... I understand why you would be but try not to stress to much and stay optimistic., The baby can register stress, You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Good Luck please update us with your results

  5. i am sorry...i have no advice for you but to stay as positive as you can.  your hcg levels are rising, so you're sounding ok...but i can only imagine how you msut be feeling to have it happen and then have the possibility of losing your baby.  i will kleep you in my prayers!

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