
Pregnant and allergy like symptoms?!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been pregnant before and my dr was of no help. (Changing drs for this one), I recently found out I am pregnant again and it seems like, for both pregnancies Ive had, ALLERGIES REAL BAD. It feels like I have a head cold, but its allergies. I usually never get a cold, until winter. Does anybody else get this?

As well, I always feel almost like I have a fever, (You feel cold, or your body feels really hot, but your fine), does anybody else get this too?

Just curious to see if anybody else feels this way. lol





  1. Stuffiness and other cold-like symptoms can be very common in pregnancy.  Not sure about the fever though.  Most likely it is yet another pregnancy byproduct LOL.  

  2. YES! lol I had to call my doctor for the first time almost in tears because the pain in my head had traveled to my eye!

    Anyway i have allergies all the time and live off precription when it gets horrible. I think the bad air and heat have added presure to girls like us. Just call

    Just call your dr. when it becomes unbearable. I think i could quite possible hold the world record for most sneezes in one day. lol xx

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