
Pregnant and almost no symptoms ?

by Guest63672  |  earlier

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hello everyone! my husband and i are expecting our first baby, we are so nervous and excited!! we still haven't told people, (just my sister and his brother), we are waiting until our first ultrasound to see the heart beating because we just want to see if the baby is fine. ive taken many tests and know for a fact that i am pregnant but it feels so UNREAL to me because i dont feel tired, i dont have any morning sickness or any other symptoms that early pregnancies bring, my breast are a little sore but not that much. im not asking for confirmation of my pregnancy just wondered if anyone else had little to no symptoms when they were in their first trimester. i am about 7 weeks but not completely sure because i didnt write down the last day of my last period.




  1. I didn't get any symptoms either until about 8-9 wks.. and then I got nausea but that was about it and that only lasted for about 4 wks.. just consider yourself lucky.. maybe you wont have to deal w/ the symptoms of pregnancy!?

    Congratulations though =]

  2. I didn't even know i was especting until the 13th week.enjoy this are the best months(the easy ones) and eat healthy

  3. That's what I thought!!  I thought I was one of the lucky ones that wasn't going to get sick!  WRONG!  Mine started at about 7 weeks and is starting to get better at 10 but still going strong.  I feel like I am sea sick NON STOP.  Hey, hopefully you're one of the lucky ones but I wouldn't count on it quite yet!  Good luck.

  4. Oh dear! Count your blessings! I was also lucky enough to have no symptoms of pregnancy at all, just an intuition. Congratulations on the pregnancy!

  5. I had a few symptoms just before my period was due and then it just disappeared. I didn't get any nausea until about 8 weeks and even then it was just a little queasy feeling, no vomiting and my only other symptom was my bad skin and I became dead tired around 10 weeks - 15 weeks. Congratulations : D

  6. I took a hpt one day before my period was due and it gave a positive result. But back then there was no way i thought it could be true, cause my symptoms where only tender b*****s, but let me assure you I'm 8 weeks now with morning sickness, backache, fatigue and an extremely short temper. everybody has different a pregnancy. congrats anyway

  7. I had so many symptoms with my first two pregnancies, but with my last pregnancy I didn't have any symptoms.  I wasn't sure I was really pregnant until I started feeling the baby move!  HAHAHA.  Good luck!

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