
Pregnant and bleeding after s*x?

by  |  earlier

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hi there i would like a bit of advice, am 8 weeks pregnant and after i have s*x the is blood when i have wiped myself, i went for a scan today and i was told every thing looked ok does anyone think this could give me a miscarriage if i keep having s*x and bleed every time.

am just a bit worried cause i had a miscarriage 4 months ago and i didn't have this problem with my last 2 pregnancies.




  1. You should definitley ask your doctor about this if you havn't already.

  2. This is totally normal.

    My sister was quite the rabbit and told me that she bleed everytime after s*x during pregnancy (she told me to ease my nerves of pregnancy) and she has 2 very healthy children.

    Relax and enjoy.

  3. Ask a doctor. But not at Yahoo!

    And ...hurry!

  4. bleeding while pregnant is bad and I'm concerned. Unless it's blood straight from your v****a cuz ur guys being a little too rough, i'd tell your doctor to double check and remind him of your past miscarriages

  5. only thing i can say is: go see a ginecologist, I won't even dare to advise you, that is a very dangerous, sensible and specialized topic

  6. Never have s*x during pregnancy. It is a dumb idea. Anyone who says differently needs there head examined.

  7. your placenta may be ruptured, That is extremely bad. Go to the doctor.

  8. With my first pregnancy In the first few months I would spot almost every time I had s*x. I was terrified and even cried because I was so worried but everything was fine. The bleeding was very light spotting and it went away fast. My daughter was born weighing 8lbs 1oz.

    If you start bleeding more than just spots after s*x or start having bad cramping call your doctor and rush to the ER. Typically and bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is something to worry about. But if your doctor checked you and its just spots after s*x based on my experience you will be fine.

  9. If you're not cramping and having heavy bleeding you should be fine. If it's light blood then it probably means your cervix is a little soft and tender. I would say if you have cramping and heavy or continuous bleeding go to your doctor. But if you don't feel comfortable doing that go to your doctor again anyway.

  10. I used too bleed a little after s*x and when i went to the doctor he said it some times happens. If the doctor knows your history and he said you were ok i would worry

  11. you shouldnt be asking yahoo answers, you should ask your doctor if it will give you a miscarriage...  

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