
Pregnant and concerned - I'm 14 weeks and have a tender belly and cramps, is my baby okay?

by  |  earlier

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This is the baby's fathers yahoo profile. A bit of background, I am 23 1st pregnancy, so I'm a newbie - any information would be appreciated. I am about to go into week 15. For about 4 days I have had severe cramps, it's really painful when I urinate. It's very tender on my lower belly, right where my underwear sits. Its so uncomfortable that I cannot wear pants or anything that presses against that area. I have NO bleeding or odd discharge. I am concerned because I have been researching and they say "severe" cramping is never good. And that "moderate" cramping is normal. Could it be normal to be having more than moderate cramping? Or should I be concerned...

I just want my baby to be okay.




  1. totally a bladder infection. Go to the doc, cause if left untreated it can spread to the kidneys and be more painful. Dont worry there are safe antibiotics to take that will clear it up. But again the doc ASAP.

  2. It's normal to have cramping where you think you're gonna start your period, but obviously wont cause youre pregnant. If the pains get VERY bad, go to the hospital. But I think you're fine. As long as there's no blood.

  3. sounds like a urinary tract infection. go to the doctors and get checked.

  4. Guess what...

    Your not alone!

    There's a community that's forum based with women who are in your situation or have been in your situation.

    Here's a chance to get Been There Done That information as well as talk to others who are going through what you are...

    look for me, mommytime

  5. it should be ok it mite just be the baby growing in there and making you feel that way. when i was that far along i had the same feeling and i went to the hospital and they said its just growing cramps

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