
Pregnant and deaf? Help? ?

by Guest66679  |  earlier

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I am pregnant with twins. I have a genetic illness that causes hearing loss, and will eventually cause me to eventually be totally deaf. I currently wear hearing aids, and with out them, I don't hear the phone ring, or the doorbell, or the oven timer. I am worried I won't hear my babies cry, and something will happen to them. My fiancé is an electrician, and goes up often goes up north for 2 weeks to work. I am worried that when he is away, I won't hear my babies at night when I am not wearing my aids. He assures me it will be alright, that we will get 'adaptive' technology, and everything will be fine, but I am terrified. What if I pass this condition down to my babies? What if I don't hear them crying, and something happens? Do any of you other hearing impaired new moms go through this? Any advice?





  1. I can't give you any specifics unfortunately, but I know they make all kinds of products for hearing impaired persons, and I believe there are certain kinds of specialty baby monitors which can detect a baby's cry and will put off flashing lights, etc. I think I have read about another model where you place a vibrating device under your pillow and it will vibrate if baby cries and it would wake you up.

    I suggest doing some google searching and get in touch with some hearing impaired parenting sites / groups because they will definitely have great tips to help you. You are not alone, there are MANY hearing impaired parents out there who do wonderfully!

    As for your babies inheriting this condition, you should be in touch with a genetic counselor who can tell you the odds of your children having this disorder. If you chose, you could have an amniocentesis to determine if the children carry whatever gene/genes that cause it so you are prepared ahead of time.

    Good luck!

  2. If I were you I would definitely get the baby monitors with the lights. Good Luck

  3. im not sure but i dont think that hte condition you have is hereditary,

    if your afriad of not hearing them when their hungry id set my fone on vibrate for every 2 hours to check on them when they need to be fed, its sure to relieve your worries and talking to a doctor with all the technology they have these days! for now just be relaxed and happy CONGRDULATIONS!

  4. Oh I am hearing impair too! I have 14 months old, and another one on the way. Don't be scary! I have stuff for the deaf you can used this which I have they are amazing! I got it from my baby shower. This stuff will wake you up when your baby cried they have signals to sonic alert receiver and will wake you up and vibrate on your bed, will let you know you baby cried, another thing I have flash while if baby is sleep they will flash and let you know when you are not around the baby, here what is flash looked like

    Hope this help! If you need talk to me, email me because I am hearing impair, I have alot of deaf signaler they are all great and help! So don't be scary! My mother is hearing I never need her help waking me up all night cause I have stuff that help me so I am sure you will be fine, this stuff are alot of money but worth it! Congrats on your twins!

  5. Co-sleeping with them can help, they will move and make a fuss when they want something.

    Other then that I don't know what to tell you.

  6. There are companies that produce 'bed shakers'.  Basically you put this device under your mattress (or under your pillow) and it vibrates.  It can be attached to a baby monitor so that when it picks up sound, it vibrates:

    I don't like the idea of one that flashes.  when your eyes are closed, you're not going to see the flashing lights.  And if you're turned on your back or the other way, you won't see them.  Good luck!

  7. I have a cousin that was born deaf, she could just tell when the baby would cry.  It was like the motherly instinct to know when they were crying.  Best of luck and congrat on the twins!

  8. It's okay my boyfriends parents are deaf and they raised two hearing boys. You just keep your child close to you and check on them often as would any normal parent. Your husband is right technology is becoming a lot more helpful. They now have video baby monitors so you can look in and see your baby's facial expression and you can tell if they're crying without having to get up. I don't know if your child will have this condition but like i said my boyfriend's parents are deaf and both he and his brother are hearing and have no hearing problems. You should also learn sign language and teach your baby they pick up fast my boyfriend knew sign language before he could talk and we plan to teach our child. GOOD LUCK AND PLEASE DON'T WORRY, YOU'RE GOING TO BE A GREAT PARENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I'm guessing you live in New York since you said "up North" sorry it's just that no one ever says that unless they live here.  I really don't have any advice except I would let the babies sleep in a crib next to your bed so you can visually check on them through the night.


    i dont know the answer to your question, but i found these links which may be helpful to you. im sure you will make a great mother.

  11. There is technology out there.  Maybe you need to have the babies in your room and sleep with hearing aids on.  Its going to be tough for you, especially with two. Good luck.  Are you in Canada per chance. I am from BC.

  12. hi i can understand you are a bit anxious with this  however i recently watched on a t.v show a deaf mum has a deaf partner and a child she too worried like yourself  they had a device that vibrated when her child cried alerting her to wake up etc to attend to her bub but sorry i dont recall the name of this device..but i am sure you will figure it all out  good luck twice the joy :)

  13. I had a lot of deaf teachers in college (studied sign language interpreting), they talked about that.  They used the baby monitors with lights.  It will light up when there is sound.

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