
Pregnant and monistat 7?

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My obgyn put me on monistat 7 for my yeast infection and I'm starting to get really worried because today is the 2nd day I used this, but for the past two days I think I have inserted the tube too deeply because my friend had just mentioned that I was only supposed to insert it halfway, which I went a little over. Will this harm my baby in anyway? This is my first pregnancy and am very worried.

And eversince I started using monistat, i began to have yellow discharge. Is this normal? (doesn't sound like it is..)

Thank you in advance




  1. totally TMI, but I've had a "never ending yeast infection" for like a month.  Always consult your doctor, they know your history and what should be happening with the treatment you're on, but I will say this.  I definitely had light yellow discharge, no smell, just gross and as far as inserting the tube too far, you should be ok.  At 27 weeks your cervix should be closed and the baby is protected by the amniotic sac.  They only really get concerned when the infection takes place in the first trimester of pregnancy, so you're far enough along for the Monistat treatment.  I'm 37.5 weeks now and have been able to take an oral prescriptive medication.

    Goodluck, continue to treat yourself unless your doctor says otherwise.  I totally feel for you, it's enough with all the normal pregnancy discomforts and then to throw in a yeast infection just isn't fair.  They're really common in pregnancy- boooo!!!!! 9/2- saw my doctor this morning, yet another yeast infection.  I asked him why pregnant women get them and he said it's because our immune systems are lowered and can't deal with the yeast as our bodies normally would.

  2. Your baby is fine...! But you should go to the doc about the discharge!

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