
Pregnant and ready to leave I can take any honest and truthful answers?

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So I am 22 and I have a boyfriend that is 30 we have been together 2 years.

I just recently found out that I am pregnant. Long before I found out I decided that I wanted to leave my boyfriend. No real reason except I just feel like he isn't the "one" for me. He is a great man and he would make any girl happy, any girl would be lucky to have him.

I just don't feel it with or for him anymore. I am emotionally detached.

He does not have any kids nor did he ever really want any kids but he has always said that if he were to have a baby that he would take care of it.

So should I leave? I'm not unhappy I just feel like I am with him and that is my existence.

Should I try to work it out and see what happens?

If I do leave him should I tell him that I am pregnant first?

These feelings were here long before I found out I was pregnant I just never left because I didn't know how. He has never done anything negative to me.

What should I do?




  1. Wow, well I definately think you should of left a long time ago. Now your pregnant and still with this guy that you don't even love. Yes he deserves the right to know that you are carrying his baby. so I think you need to tell him. If you don't your a *****, thats the only word for you. You are the only one who knows what you want in life and if it's not him. whatever the circumstances are you need to move on. Deside what you want and need, and move on. I wish you the best of luck

  2. make up ur own mind no one can do that for you...u got a good man  if u leave him u will no longer have him some1 else will ...

  3. First of all, this is gonna vary depending on who answers...For me, i am the kinda girl who believes in a fairy tale kind of love.  If you don't feel like this man will make your heart skip everyday or even find yourself becoming numb to his existence then I absolutely think you should leave.  Having a baby together will not make it any easier, and once your child grows and becomes aware of their surroundings he/she will see that his/her parents aren't even in love.  And that can hurt them more than never even knowing the two of you together in the first place.  If you do leave I do think you should tell your man about the baby, you say he's a good man and would take responsibility and your child should know a father like that.  If you are having any doubts about leaving because of the way you FEEL about him, stay, give it some time, TELL him you are falling out of love.  Maybe there is something he can do to change it?  You will know in your heart when you're ready to leave.  If you decide to leave however the only way to do it is quickly.  Be respectful but honest.  He deserves that.  Rip it off like a bandaid...

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