
Pregnant and sad?

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i'm about a month pregnant. it'll be my third. it was very unexpected. i was on the pill. i feel very sad about it, i didn't want any more kids... at least this soon. however, my fiance and i don't believe in adoption or abortion. i feel that we were just starting to get our life on track... just bought out first house.... i was working on getting back into school.... he was planning on getting his bachelors and then masters.... but then we found out i was pregnant. i feel like an *** for being so bummed out, but i can't shake it. anyways.... i didn't really have a question.. just wanted to vent.




  1. Cheer up I'm sure you will once you except your life then the happier you'll be. Right now you feel like you cant do much you still can go to school just use hand me downs and go to thrift stores babies are only expensive if you make the that way just go cheap. (Baby Shower) They don't realize what they have until 2 or 3 then that's when they want toys but for you should focus on you and what you have now and when the time comes for this baby except him/her with loving open arms. I know you just wanted to vent but here some advice don't put your life on hold just cause your pregnant. I have 3 children 9,8,5, trying for more currently I am a nurse and own a daycare also go to school on-line. I'm busy but my children are always around. Find an occupation that you can be there for your kids and they can be with you. Think I play 80% of my week with my kids and other kids and get paid for  it the other 20% I have to be an adult lol..


  2. I felt like this with my 3rd child too as it was a shock and to be honest that sounds like what your'e in SHOCK.

    As the pregnancy progresses then I'm sure things will improve and you will be able to think more positively.

    Hormones going mad too so this doesn't help.

    Work out a schedule about your future learning and career and remember that this baby will add to your knowledge of life just as much as going to school.

  3. Hun, things happen for a reason, and there is a reason there is this baby coming into your life. This baby is a true blessing. First of all, allow me to congratulate you on your house and on your engagement. This baby is a symbol of your love and commitment to each other, and will bring so much joy to your life once he or she is born. It's good to see you don't believe in abortion. That is always a plus.

    I know what it feels like, having an unexpected pregnancy. Before I married my husband, about 3 months into our relationship, we found out I was pregnant. We had gone on vacation and came home to the news. We had both previously thought neither of us could have children. Long story there. We had agreed that we were not going to try, but we wouldn't prevent either. If nothing happened, we'd go see doctors after a year. I had planned on going back to school to finish my education. I am 22 and still trying to finish high school. Instead, God had other plans. Thankfully, we were financially secure. He had a good-paying job, and we lived in a mortgage-free house, given to us by his dad. Were we scared? Yes. Were we nervous? Yes. Did we consider other options? No. Did we receive a lot of criticism? Oh, most definitely yes. His mother felt that I was trying to trap him and take his money, and I was just some w***e. She thought I was going to take off, collect child support and never let him see his child again. I cut off contact with her for a while because of the stress she was causing me. Even my mother gave me heck. Of course. I was pregnant after only 3 months with him. I didn't expect joy and happiness. He was scared the entire pregnancy. He was very distant, etc. But the moment our daughter arrived in our lives, all concerns, all fears were washed away by her beautiful cries and her beautiful face.

    We married in April this year and we're expecting another child in December. It is a scary and stressful thing, to be expecting a child at a time when you shouldn't or don't want it. I was supposed to start birth control to control endometriosis with my April cycle. Instead, God had other plans, and that was for us to have a second baby. We feel truly blessed, because we were told I would not be able to conceive or carry without medical assistance, and I'm doing both without medical assistance.

    A baby does not prevent you from doing all those things..moving into a new house, finishing school, etc. A baby delays it, but the delay is 100% worth it. I don't mind that at 22 I'm not finished high school. I have the most important job in the world: Mom..and that is what matters.

    Congratulations on the pregnancy and good luck with whatever you decide to do. Just know that the disappointment will pass and be replaced with joy when the baby is born.

  4. good luck with whatever you decide

  5. What your feeling is totally normal. It's always hard to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. My last one was unplanned, and we were kind of in your same situation. Already had 2 kids, not a lot of money, just starting to get caught up and then WHAM!!! But since you are already a mommy you know that the moment you see your beautiful babies face for the first time, it will all be worth it. Times may be tough, and it may set you back a little, but when God closes one door, he always opens a window! Good luck to you and I hope you feel better soon! If you ever just need to chat or vent, feel free to email me :)
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