
Pregnant and smokes (rochester NH) needs info from area!?

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ok my friend is starting to get worried now.... she lives in rochester (before anybody thinks its me... its not!) anyways... she will be having her baby in rochester nh and she is 36weeks pregnant and just recently smoked weed after not smoking for a while...... anyways... she is worried that the hospital is going to take the baby away from her for smoking.... she doesn't smoke often since we are always around each other and she is worried that if and when it comes up the baby will be taken from hr... she knows they drug test and she is scared... alot of people tell her including me that they are mostly testing for heroin, crack, and that other stuff... am i correct??? will they take her baby away




  1. I doubt they would take the baby away for that, but what the h**l is she doing smoking pot when she's pregnant anyway?? It doesn't matter if she "doesn't smoke often" she shouldn't be smoking AT ALL with the baby inside her. Would she blow pot smoke directly in her newborn baby's face? Because that's essentially what she's doing. Hopefully she's smart and responsible enough to even care for a baby once the thing is finally born, because it certainly doesn't sound like it...  

  2. I dont know about where you are, but they dont do that here in alabama.  I smoked weed during my first pregnancy and my child wasnt takin away :)  Shes 5yrs old, beautiful and healthy. Good luck on finding your answer!!!

  3. CPS does get involved, even for weed.  But before she gets all freaked out by what some if these people are saying, please check out the following link.  Especially if you scroll down to other common marijuana myths, it has some very interesting information about pregnancy and marijuana.  I think everyone should read it before they go talking bad about woman who smoke pot.

    EDIT*** I don't think they will take her baby away, but CPS will be up her a$$ for a minute.  The plus side is  Marijuana is usually out of your system in about 30 days.

  4. Yes...  they test for all drugs,  including pot,  and the baby will be taken from her if it comes up positive.  Mandatory classes, random drug testing and lots of court appearances will determine whether she can get her baby back.  She really should have thought of the welfare of her unborn child before doing something so dumb and selfish.    

  5. I don't think your friend is very smart.  She could have waited another 4 weeks to get high!  Smoking up is one thing and to do it when you're just in the beginning and don't know, but WHY would you do that when you have no idea what the risks are for the baby?  

  6. If they don't , she should be honest so the baby can proper treatment.

    I doubt the'll take a baby over a little weed.


  8. They test for any drug.  Pot included.  And if it's in her system, then they can contact CPS.  Does she know what she is doing to her baby by doing it at all.  

  9. What the h**l??

    Maybe she should have thought of that before she selfishly put her baby in harm's way!  There's NO excuse for that. She could have waited a few more weeks until she had her baby, if she insisted on being a stoner mom.  They might very well take her baby.  Maybe she'll think twice next time.  How sick.

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