I guess I'm just stressed and need to talk to someone neutral...lol...but here goes. I'm 19 weeks pregnant, I've been married almost 4 months (it was planned before baby), and lately it just seems like the man is driving me crazy...is this normal?!? I'm in the part of my pregnancy where I have energy back, and I feel a little self conscious and...well honestly a nice gesture from him would be great...but at least to go out and have a good time once in awhile. I work second shift (and he's on the same sleeping schedule) , so after work its usually that only food places are open. Which, I'm always starving so hey! great for me right? Well, he likes to drink (we've discussed it and he knows he has to quit this c**p BEFORE baby) so he never wants to go and eat with me. Or do anythine else for that matter. And when I actually get him to go with me he just sits there all depressed about it and we don't have a good time or even a good conversation...And frankly, the drinking is just making it worse. When I come home and he's drunk it just annoys me now. I don't want my kid brought up like this. I had no problem with it before I got pregnant, and every time I bring it up he gets all upset about it (says I KNOW I have to quit I will) so I just try to avoid it and HOPE TO GOD that he actually quits. If he doesn't, I will leave him..which is something I worry about a lot...what if I have to leave, daycare is outrageous and my family isn't very responsible so I wouldn't even ask them...I try to think of plans of what I would do - I have a good job, but alone I would qualify for assistance so I'd probly go to that for awhile. Currently, he has no job, which is another worry...he just up and quit is last one thinking he'd be fine in getting another, but now no one will call him back to hire. I know that stress is not good for the baby...how do I stop...?!? 4 months ago I was completely in love with this guy, and now I don't even get along with him...is is just the hormones?