
Pregnant and suddenly single... should I blog?

by  |  earlier

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Im sitting here 24 weeks pregnant with baby #4 (planned) and last week my husband told me he wants a divorce, and has left and refuses to help out in any way shape or form.

My mind is racing and Im desperatly trying to figure out what to do next.

I've been a mess, crying uncontrollably and desperately wanting the pig back, for the simple fact that I don't think I should do this alone, and Im ticked he put me and my kids in this position - while he's playing and putting his head in the sand.

I'm searching everywhere to find something - some sort of encouragement from someone thats been in my shoes, but its not easy. I think blogging, will help keep my outlook on things and keep things in perspective, and keep me from begging for the loser to come back.




  1. Do whatever you can do give you a sense of peace. Your first step is to contact a lawyer. He might have walked out on his children but he still is their provider. You should file for alimony and child support. Hopefully you have family or close friends you can lean on right now.

  2. Sure.  Blog if that will help you work through your feelings.  I think you have bigger concerns than blogging though.  You need to get a lawyer and start taking care of yourself and your children.  No woman NEEDS a man.  Kick him to the curb if that's where he'd rather be.  Especially a loser that would suddenly leave you and want a divorce while you are pregnant with his 4th child.  Did you honestly not realize anything was wrong?  Why does he want a divorce?  Is he cheating?  You don't want a cheating man in your life, trust me.  Good luck with everything.

  3. First, I would contact a lawyer, I wouldn't get out easy. It's not fair to you or your kids. You need to be strong for your kids. They need it right now, I'm sure they know something is wrong. Even though you feel like you want him back there is nothing like a strong woman, show him  and your kids you can be a strong woman that you are. Pregnancy probably got you all emotion but this is a very hard thing to go through. Go to church, pray, and things will get better, trust yourself. It's his lost , missing out on his kids. Any man that would just walk out of his flesh and blood he's not worth it. Look at it as a positive thing, at least you know what type of person he is.

  4. Just be careful what you say........don't put anything in writing that you would not want broadcasted on the internet....anything you say can be used against you in court if it ends up there.......just be smart about what you write!

  5. Little does he know...he WILL support his kids.  You didn't make them alone.  Just concentrate on your children and yourself.  No man is worth the stress..husband or not.

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