
Pregnant and want to get my tongue pierced. what are the possible problems that could happen?

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im 32 weeks pregnant and i want to get my tongue pierced, i heard that really the only thing to worry about are pretty much just infection?and then i also heard that i could get lead poisioning. is that true? but ive already gotten something pierced while pregnant and nothing has happened, infection or lead poision. what are the possible bad things that could happen?




  1. ******* r****d.

  2. As long as you take care of it you should be fine-just make sure the shop is sterile and uses brand new equipment each time they pierce someone. The only risk is infection-but it really doesn't happen that much-especially tongue, it heals faster than any other external body part. I have 8 piercings and 2 tattoos, and have never had a problem with any of them!

    Good Luck!

  3. Why even risk it?  Are you afraid piercing will go out of style in the next 8 weeks?  Just wait until after your baby is born.  You may think you're not at risk for an infection, but you never know.  Any infection can cause life long trauma to a fetus - it's just not worth it!  

  4. You can get lead poisoning from cheap jewelry (like aluminum jewelry coated with colored metallic paint), a blood borne disease (like hep or HIV) from unsterile equipment, a blood vessel could be hit by the needle and you may lose a lot of blood (happens often), or you could get a serious infection.

    Your tongue is vascular, meaning it contains large major blood vessels. The blood vessels that are in your tongue carry blood to other parts of your body (ideal for spreading infection to your baby or brain). Tongue piercings easily become infected because the mouth is full of bacteria (including strep). Your immune system is weak during pregnancy. If the piercing does become infected, your body won't be able to fight the infection as easily as someone who is not pregnant. Even worse, infections are difficult to treat during pregnancy because there are only certain medicines that are safe for the baby.

    The hospital will most likely make you take the jewelry out anyway, especially because it's an oral piercing, and then the hole will close. Besides, you only have a few more weeks to go. Why risk it now?

  5. You get an infection, blood poisoning and kill your baby. Just so your tongue can look 'interesting'?

  6. Even if you THINK your pregnant, a good piercer wont even think of giving you the piercing. Even if you did... your body would reject it due to all the changes and you could have some serious problems... be paitient.

  7. Who gets a piercing while they're pregnant? That's dumb. Wait until after you have the baby and then take your chances with Hep and MRSA.

  8. Getting your tongue pierced in general turns it into a breeding ground for bacteria. Internal mouth piercings have some of the highest risks of infection. And, an infection that affects you also affects baby. Lead poisoning is something to worry about if your bar has lead in it. But, you should probably just wait until after birth to pierce.

  9. I think you should wait, your almost at the end, And if by chance something goes wrong (i hope it doesnt) and you need to rushed in for a c-section, you will need to remove the ring and trust me the tongue heals so d**n fast.  

  10. It's just better to be safe than sorry.

    No tattoos or piercings.

    The infection goes to your fetus and lead poisoning the same. Also, you may not see or feel the effects but they can be there.

    You're so close to the end, I'm sure you can wait a little longer...

    Also, depending on where you live, many piercers or tattoo artists simply won't do it for you because then they are liable and could be sued if anything does go wrong.

    Best wishes and congratulations :)

  11. There is a big risk of infection with a tongue piercing because it such a large one and because every time you put anything to eat or drink in your mouth you could get an infection so you have to make sure to really really keep it clean plus the swelling can make it harder to breath. So right there would be risk of infection spreading to baby and lack of oxygen plus it is hard to eat properly for a couple of days so that is lack of nutrients.  It is worth waiting for.

  12. I don't know of any shop that would pierce your tongue if your 32wks pg! If so i wouldn't be going to that shop cause it couldn't be any good! There is a high risk of getting an infection and that alone should stop you! Anything you do to your body effects your baby! Be Smart and Wait!

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