
Pregnant at 17 with a man whos 7 years older but hes my best friend will the state take him from me???

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i am 17 and pregnant by a 24 year old were happy but im worried that the court or the state will see it so diffrent he has asked me to marry him several times and i would but can i without parental consent hes my best friend and has been for a while what should i do???




  1. maybe depending on your state. Good luck.Guys my age who date girls your age are really immature and want someone to think they are really cool. You wont understand this now, but when you have a 2nd grader when your his age you'll understand

  2. if you marry him they cant do anything to him, if your parents want to, they can press charges on him and have him arrested, then he will register as a s*x offender for the rest of his life then go to jail for about 10 years. It depends what state look up the age of consent. and see what is the maximum of years apart......

    XOXOXOXO- Snoop_buny226

    Hope this helps

    God Bless

  3. Depends on the state you are in.  If you are in Oklahoma, don't even admit that you know who the father is or he will be arrested and charged even if you marry the father.

  4. In certain states you are able to get married to him without parental consent only if you can prove that you are pregnant by going to the doctors..

    Thats what someone I know did when they were around 17 or 18 but this was in PA so you should try to find a way to see if this is possible in your state..

  5. yes they could. honestly i dont think you have a choice, its kinda up to your parents if they press charges.

  6. depends on the state and if ur parents press charges if they do (he is of age and u a minor in certain states then yes he goes to jail).  the age limit to get married differs from state to state.  here it is 21.

  7. The legal age of consent in most places is 16-17 so you should be ok.

  8. what country do you live in?  in NZ & Australia it's illegal to have s*x with someone under 16 years of age - and you can get married at 18 without parental consent............the state probably wont do anything unless your parents decide to kick up a fuss - so make sure that you and your bf remain on good terms with them (particularly if you want this guy to be in your life for the long haul)

  9. you must be 18 to be married in any state.

    but if you could get parental consent that could easily change.

    if your parents don't agree, they could press charges, but you will be free to go when you turn 18.

    as long as you think it's right, everything should work out.

    but always have backup plans when things go wrong.

  10. I got pregnant and married at 17.  I'm not sure about your state laws, but in our state if you are pregnant, you can get married at any age... without parental consent.  I know that getting a parent to sign off on a marriage is sometimes next to impossible.  If you guys are happy and you are sure you love him, why not marry him?  Trust me when I say, in some states, it won't matter if your parents press charges.  If he is picked up for statutory rape, he will go to jail for a very long time.  Please check your local laws.  Both of you should really be checking into this because it could ruin his life if you aren't careful and a parent or someone gets angry and threatens legal action.  Take care.

  11. only if ur parents press charges then yes he could go to jail.

  12. Umm...depends on what state. Why don't you just get parental consent? It would be a lot easier.

  13. wait till your 18???

  14. Your parents could press charges, then yes, he'd go to jail.

  15. Well you said you could with parental consent so ask.

    But if your parents pressed charges then yes he could go to jail.

  16. Unless you're turning 18 soon, yes they can send him to jail if your parents press charges.

  17. It depends on where you live. Look up legal age of consent. You can find out what the laws are in your state. Also listed on that page are the teen marriage laws.

  18. Oh no, don't worry.  The legal age of consent is 16.  Your parents COULD press charges though if they wanted to.  The state just wouldn't do anything.  Wait until you're 18 and you won't need your parents ok to get married, you can just do it. =]  Congrats!!

  19. where do you live?  will you be 18 when you give birth? what do your parents think? some states 17 is ok, so some not..

  20. wait till you're 18 and thet marriaged

  21. well i mean if he really loves u, he will wait.  just wait til ur 18 and then u can move out, and get married.  and u 2 will b able 2 take care of the baby.

    so tell him wait til ur 18, if he loves u like i said he will wait 4 u.

    so good luck sweetie.

  22. omg! i was 17 when i was prego and my man was 24, we got married  when i was 18, the state never did anything about it, also i think it would depend on what state your in

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