
Pregnant bigger girls did this happen to you?

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did you lose weight first then gain?

i have lost about 5-10 pounds i am almost 6 weeks.

i use to weigh 160 something now i weigh 157.




  1. I didn't lose any weight but now I am 7 and 1/2 months pregnant and I haven't gained any weight at all. They said after  I have the baby I will actually lose weight. I do eat a little better now then I did before and i'm down to one can of soda a day/ or tea (which I prefer) and then rest is juice or water... being pregant has really helped me break a lot of my bad habits!

  2. Yes, it is completely normal. I actually craved fresh fruit when I was pregnant and lost 6 pounds.Not one piece of junk food passed my lips.

  3.     Yes, it happens to most larger women.  The trick is to not gain it back as the pregnancy progresses.

  4. I was really obese, and that's what happened to me. I was under the care of a family doc and a specialist - and they said for obese women it's common. For me, it was cutting out the junk food right away, eating more healthily and exercising more, so I lost weight at the beginning. I had some morning sickness, but not lots, so it wasn't from that.

    Overall, I gained five pounds, and the day after my son was born - he was 8.3 lbs, they weighed me and I had lost 13 pounds.

    Good luck gestating!

  5. yes I have lost weight at the start and not gained a lot during only to stack it on later ..its all fine so long as you are eating good healthy food ..

  6. With my first I gained like 35 pounds with my second I only gained 12, but with my third I actually lost 30 + pounds. So I ended up weighing less after I had her then when I got pregnant. It just all depends on your body. I hope when I get pregnant with the next one I won't gain any, but I want a healthy baby so what ever mother nature brings on I'm ready...Good luck and Con grads!!

  7. for 4 pregnancies i lost weight and barely made it back up to my pre prego weight by if i could just keep it off now that the baby is here id be happy lol

  8. yeah, but it was cause i was exercising alot in the beginning... i had had a baby 6 1/2months before i got pregnant again, so i was still trying to lose from the previous pregnancy.

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