
Pregnant cat bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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she had an issue with blood in her p**p, the vet said to give her baby food, that was the end of the blood, today i woke up and there was about 2tblespoons of bloody stuff in the bed where she slept(yes, she sleeps with me) what do you think it could be, is it from the pregnancy? is this the begining of labor? any help is appreciated! thnx!




  1. my Cat just had kittens 6 days ago.

    right before she gave birth she started to bleed a bunch on the blannket. it was normal the vet said cuz i freaked alittle aswell...

    but soon after she popped out those kittens in great health..

    if within an hour  she still has no kittens then call the vet and see what they say and biring her in if they suggest it.

  2. go back to your vet

  3. Please take your girl to the vet NOW.  It's possible she's in early labor but given her history of bloody stool it could be more.  The link provides information of felines and bloody stools.

  4. If there is any bleeding, whether from the a**s or the urethra, while a cat is pregnant, it's imperative that a vet sees her. It could be a number of things, from just slightly enflamed lower intestines or r****m due to her pregnancy, but the biggest worry is if she may have an infection of the uterus.

    I would definitely take her back to have her re-examined and have the vet palpate her tummy, and do a scan, if she is far enough into her pregnancy term, to make sure that she is still pregnant, that the kittens are healthy and still growing and that there is no build up of fluid or mass in her uterus which could indicate an infection.

    Or it could be thr beginning of the birthing. Is it time for her to give birth? How many weeks is she gone? If it's been 9 weeks, or two months and a week, then she is due about now. If she's not then she needs vet assessing immediately.

    All the best for a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery!

  5. this could be the first signs of labor, but just to be on the safe side, i would call the vet and let them know what is going on,  
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