
Pregnant diabetes glucose test came out 6 point above normal.?

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now they want me to go back and to a 3 hour test and give blood every hour... I'm very worried n i don't wanna stress about it but i cant help it.. I don't wanna have diabetes...has n e one had this?? I'm so nervous.. i don't know why..




  1. I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy and exactly what the first person said is what happens. With this pregnancy i failed the 1 hour test and just knew i was going to have it again but i ended up passing the 3 hour !!! I was very happy :) obviously ! Just do exactly what the doctor tells you to do... fast before the test and relax. Its not that bad... it just sucks cause you have to drink that stuff again and they make you feel like a pin cushion getting your blood drawn 4 times ! Good luck to you !

  2. My ob told me that 3/4 of the women that fail the first test pass the second, so I think it's quite common. I've known a few women who have had to do the 3 hour and passed it. Try not to be too concerned, and make sure you take all the necessary precautions before going in for that second test! Try to wait for results before getting too worked up over it... though I know that's hard to do.  Good luck!!!

  3. I think all of my friends failed the one hour and had to have the three hour.  I am the only one that had gestational diabetes.  If you do have it, you will go to see a specialist where they will discuss a new diet with you.  You will have to eat frequently to keep your blood sugar up.  You will have to eat a lot of protein, some carbs and no sugars.  I had to also test my blood 4 times a day.  Luckily I was able to control it with diet so I didn't need insulin.  It was a pain but I had to do it so my baby wasn't getting too much sugar.

    When my son was born, I ate a bunch of chocolate because I hadn't been able to in a such a long time.  I didn't know they were going to test my blood.  So I was scared that it would be really high but it was normal.  Once the placenta is delivered, the diabetes pretty much goes away.

    Hopefully you will pass the 3 hour test but if you don't, don't panic.  It will be ok.  Good luck!

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