
Pregnant? (easy & fast 10 points)?

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My hubby and I have been TTC for 8 months! So i Think* the first day of my last period was July 19th & i KNOW i got off the 26th ever since then we've been TTC so yes, we had s*x on my fertile days. Also monday & tuesday i put my legs in the air and a pillow under my bottom after s*x & stayed like that for about 40 mins i have a good feeling I'm pregnant but then again I could be making myself believe that.

I haven't really had any weird pregnancy signs except about 5 days after i got off my period i had BAD cramping off and on and ive never had cramps like that. A little nausea no sore b***s.

Do you think I have a good chance of being pregnant? I'm scared to take a test im scared i'll get a BFN :/

Also I checked two days ago my cervix with my middle finger ( I had to stick it all the way in & i felt it & when I pulled it out there was white discharge on my finger) so is that low or high? its kind of soft...? today Im having A LOT of discharge ive been having a lot of clear discharge!

Sorry if thats TMI im just dien to be pregnant! Lol.

Oh and my period should have been here today or yesterday!

& i woke up neasua with a back ache

Thanks all.




  1. It sounds like you are pregnant. I would take a pregnancy test...I know when I was pregnant with my second one I took it the week I suppse to have my period and guess what I was. I really hope you are. Good luck

  2. all of those signs sound like u are pregnant but it doesnt necessarily mean that u are it could just be the signs of your period coming. when ur pregnant ur b***s get really sore and sensitive.

  3. ohhh i think you did it!! CONGRATS GIRL!!!! your husband and you might be parents!!! make a drs app and get a blood test!! best ofl uck!


    God bless

  4. well if you are having pains then you are going to be a mom lol

    but if you are bleeding at all you are not going to be a mom so sorry  

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