
Pregnant gerbil.?

by Guest21272  |  earlier

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About a year ago I got two gerbil that were in the same cage together. They told me that they were both males, but one has got a lot biggier than the other one. It sleeps, eats and drinks water all day. sometimes get up to chew on things or dig. It won't let me touch her/he anymore. I use to pat it. They are makeing a nest now. I really don't know what to do. Did the pet store told me wrong or is the gerbil just getting big. please help. I've never had a pet who had babies before.




  1. the same thing happened to me and they might actually be pregnant, dont worry the gerbil will make nests and all sorts like that if he/she doent let them touch them dont

    when or if she has babies take the male away straightaway or they will mate again

    it quite easy to look after them just gothrough the dsame routine but becareful not to agrivate the female

  2. DON'T touch it. if it doesn't want you to, don't. when a rodents pregnant, if you touch it too muh you can kill it, and the baby. just leave it be. look up pregnant gerbils. what the sigs are, how long it takes. because if it's not pregnant, it could be a health problem, and could be dying. if you have the money please, take it to the vet. it could be something very serious.

  3. Could you try to s*x your gerbils?  Perhaps wearing leather gloves or put them in a clear container and check their parts from below.  

    I have listed some sites below that could help in sexing them and if your gerbil is pregnant and how to help raise healthy pups.  If she is pregnant, and you have noticed she has gotten a lot bigger, she will probably birth the pups very soon.  If you can see bulges moving on mom's tummy, it will be within a day or two, most likely.

    Alternatively, it does sound like it could also be a health issue.  Your gerbil's behavior may have changed because he/ she isn't feeling well.  A visit to the vet would be in order in that case.    

    Extra protein benefits mom gerbil while pregnant and nursing.  A good source of this is in kitten chow.

    Feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
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