
Pregnant...... is the vacation worth it?

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My mom, brother, and two sisters (siblings all younger) are all going to Florida including Orlando for Sea World and Disney. They're also going to the beach. I'll be about 13-14 weeks pregnant when they go. Money is tight right now so I'd have to sit at the hotel while they go to the parks. The beach would really be the time for me but that's only for 3 days out of the week vacation. I could also just pay to go to Sea World and forget Disney. Would it be worth spending the money I can't afford to right now for this "last vacation" before baby comes? I mean, my fiance won't even be there. Or, should I stay back with him and take car of my mom's house just us alone for the week? What are some cheap activities we can do in Chicago if I stay behind?




  1. Stay behind; you will need that money for the baby. I did a vacation where we so strapped that all I did was worried about money and the bills that were waiting for us when we got back. After the vacation I totaled everything up to and barely paid my mortgage that month.

    In Chicago you could go to the zoo, museum, batanical gardens, navy pier, Millieum Park, water tower, get some movies, go to a day spa.

  2. I say you should go! This will be the last time you will be able to travel child free. Also, you can enjoy time with your family. There is more to do at the places you mentioned then ride rides. Besides, if you think money is tight right now just wait till the baby gets here! This could very well be the last vacation you take for a loooong time!

  3. Tom gave you the best advice. He has been there and did that. We all have. Not worth spending money you don't have to spend. Stick around Chicago and enjoy some of the things you like to do, you will be glad you did. Disney is very expensive and not worth it if you can't enjoy it all. You will have plenty of time to enjoy when you child gets older.

    Good Luck)

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