
Pregnant lady have the right to do this would you have done this?

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ok there was a woman who was driving with her and her husband she was in the passenger seat and she is also pregnant.Some idiot not paying attention and talking on a cell phone runs a red light and smashes into the pregnant ladies side of the car not injuring her or anyone else. The pregnant woman gets out and punches the girl in the face knocking out two teeth b.c she could have killed their unborn baby because of her cell phone conversation. the other lady (cellphone) presses charges who do you feel should win the case? should the preg woman have to pay for her actions or were they justified?




  1. It's assault.  Pregnant or not, we need to behave in a civilized manner.

  2. Assault, no matter the reason is not acceptable. Both need to pay for the damages done one way or another.  

  3. Other people's stupidity does not give us the right to assault them, even if we really want to.  While I would have felt like doing the same thing, what she did was illegal.  The victim of the assault does have a right to press charges, and will most likely win.  However, that person did cause the accident and is still liable for damages to the vehicle.

  4. I probably would have done the same thing as the pregnant lady...then blamed in on hormones!

  5. With my hormones at the moment, I would have done the same. I'd expect to get a call from the police and be charged but I think any decent lawyer could get someone out of it.

    Unfortunately we can't take the law into our own hands :-(  

  6. The reckless driver should have to pay for the damages caused by her carelessness (to the car and also the mental anguish).  The pregnant woman should have to pay for her assault.

  7. Personally I think she's justified, legally...probably not.

  8. i'm sorry but i think the pregnant woman was justified.  when you could have just killed her unborn child, because she was breaking the law by talking on her stupid a** phone, yeah, i think the judge might just take the pregnant womans side.

  9. Justified I 'd say although becoming am mother should make her more placid and less prone to violence

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