
Pregnant man?

by  |  earlier

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Why are they calling her a pregnant man, she still has the womans reproductive organs. All she did was take testosterone, so technically she is not a man, so why does the media address her as a the first pregnant man, when it is biologically impossible for a man to concieve? Its a big joke and stupid if you ask me.




  1. Good question. The reason she is addressed as a man because she is transgendered. There is a difference between transgendered and transsexual. A transgendered still has the body parts (b*****s, p***s, v****a, whatever) they were originally born with, but usually take medicine and use products (make-up, get a haircut, clothing, etc) to 'feel' like the gender they should be and legally have their s*x changed (usually by being called an opposite gendered name and having the government change it, but I'm not entirely sure on that). Transsexuals go a step further and have the surgery to get the body parts to make them feel like they are the gender they were supposed to be born in. Many transgenders would like to go that step further, but it's a very expensive process and can take years.

    Anyways, legally she is man, but technically she's a woman. Not to offend anyone, but I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I think she should be identified as the 'first pregnant transgender person' rather than a man, but she's legally a man, so I guess it's alright. When a man who was born as a man (with the correct reproductive organs) becomes pregnant, let me know. :)

  2. As long as the baby came out the you know what, then its a women, unless it was a cesarian. But I say its bunch of bull.

    But ironically if they didn't label him/her/it a man then the media got away with topless nudity pictures when they show him/her/it with no shirt on if she/he/it was labeled a woman,LOL!

  3. yeah it is stupid and makes no sense and it makes them look like they have no education. they just want attention.

  4. hah exactly what i've been saying since the whole thing broke up.  i hate when people say "did you hear about the pregnant man??"  yes, i heard about the sicko who thinks hes a man.... but he's not a man.  he's a woman.  with a v****a.

  5. So that they get interest.

  6. dude, i love you. i agree with you a hundred percent. hetero fo sho!

  7. He is a male on his driver's license. So he is recognized by the state as a man. He also identifies himself as a man and had F to M surgery.

    Gender is more flexible than you think.
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