
Pregnant man.?

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the pregnant man is justreally a dumb story!!! He was a woman at one point. removed his b*****s, still has his lower parts(as stated in people magazine) so why is everybody going crazy that he is the first pregnant man????...he is a woman that changed into a man so that is not out of the ordinary to have a if he was a full blown man that would be a different story!!!




  1. It's actually pretty sick! How can you want to be legally recognized as a man...then go and get pregnant? The question is...why would you want to change GOD's plan for you? I feel bad for the child that they are bringing into their sick world. It's called adoption!!

    It's pretty sad that this story is gaining so much attention but at the same time, if they don't want to be discriminated against or ridiculed then they should have left well enough alone.

    I understand that they are basically a L*****n couple that wanted to have a child but the issue is that they want to be recognized as HUSBAND and WIFE

  2. LUIS G... I'D GIVE YOU A THUMBS DOWN IF I WERE A LEVEL 2! thats not true either! theres no real pregnant (BORN man) man

  3. I am so proud and happy for Thomas and his wife! First off, I am happy that they never gave up and are finally having the baby they always wanted. Lots of people in the world are praying to have children and when they finally get pregnant it is an awesome thing. THAT is the most important thing here!

    Now, to answer your question. I am a Christian woman and also a former L*****n. I was a L*****n for 16 years until I met my husband. So I am educated in moral standards of this story and physical as well. Look up the and look at article, "Labor of Love.

    Thomas is legally a man, biologically a woman. It is like going to the salon and dying your hair blond. EVERYONE knows you as a blond, but you really know you are a brunette. Thomas went through a lot to feel comfortable in the body God gave him. He tweaked it a bit, just like us ladies do with our hair and nails and plastic surgery, so that he may feel confident about himself.

    So the bottom line is, he is a person, in love with his wife, and they are having a precious gift brought to their happy homes soon.

    What a blessing that truly is. :)

  4. My question is this:

    Why would any man, in his right mind, want to have a baby?  

    If God had intended MAN to have a baby, he would have given them a uterus and all of the other female parts, too!  This is not what God had intended for man.  God planned it for man to impregnate the woman.  I must say that SOMETHING good will come out of this because God is the creator of all things.  He has allowed it to happen for some reason........

    On the other hand, it's completely insane to call this woman a "man".  She is not a man.  She is a she and this couple is a L*****n couple.  Wife and Wife.  They just found a loophole and were able to marry.

    What is this world coming to?  Well, guess we'll all have to wait and see.

  5. So glad to see someone else thats sane and isn't falling for the medias bull. I can not even believe Oprah stooped so low to have that on her show and went along with it.

  6. That person is not a man.

    It is a transgender creature.

    If it were a man, then its pregnancy would indeed be remarkable but it is only an underdeveloped woman.

  7. It's because we live in a sick world.

  8. She's a woman, she is and will always be a woman unless and until she can change the chromosomes in every cell in her body from XX to XY.  She's a woman mascarading as a man and it is no unusual miracle that she is pg, just the ususal miracle of prganancy.  Glad her partner still has b*****s to breastfeed.

  9. I have no comment.. All I can say is: what has this world come to??

  10. its not even worth discussing here.

  11. i is just exagerrating the story for publicity...

  12. That's exactly what I'd like to know.

    As long as 'he' still has his female organs, 'he' is not as a man!

    Now I have no problem with what anyone chooses to do with there life, but it's like the only thing that is ever talked about.

    Talk about media w***e.

  13. This is so silly he is a woman he has a uterus there is nothing amazing or even interesting about this it's a flatchested woman with a beard and shes pregnant

  14. Yeah, I agree, as I am typing I am watching the Oprah on yesterday I recorded and he really shouldn't be being classified as a man.  He's more like a lady, pregnant, with a beard.

  15. I'm not excited I'm disgusted and very disappointed in this world we live in.  I even saw some lady say that she hopes this will become a trend and other "men" will do the same thing... How gross is that?  It's not natural or right its not what God intended.  Is this child going to grow up and wounder is she should become a man when she gross up?

  16. my dog is pregnant

  17. He she's just an ugly female who got pregnant.  But who got him/her pregnant?

  18. some man was pregant some time 20y eago

  19. that was a story, he was a L*****n and he fix he self to look l**k man,. that is all bull.

    l**k the skeleton in the island of karpathos gr.56 feet tall.that is ***

  20. People are going crazy about it because this is the point we have come to in our society.  Everything that is not the norm is being celebrated and the ones that are pushing this are trying to make the norm not the norm any longer.  We live in a sick society that celebrates self mutilation and gender confusion because this is exactly what it it.  That "man" is a woman regardless of what was cut off.  Her skeletal system is still that of a woman's, her DNA will still show that she is a woman.  This is called the breakdown of society.   Woo Woo a L*****n couple wants a baby.  There is no story there.

  21. How do we define our sexual selves? By the God given organs, if that is true, then he is not a he but a she, period. And it is nothing more than a money influenced stunt. The media is showing exactly what they are about. That is the real news, if they can influence how much news worthy this is, think how they are influencing things like the election which is far more important. The other day I saw that the polls say more people believe that obama will win so they have decided to vote for him because of that only. Media has decided the election again for us, and Americans are again allowing it.

  22. i think this is absolutely ridiculous and i feel sorry for that child.  and it's not a's a woman!  you are what you are and it is what it is.  good grief.  she looks so silly and leave it to oprah to put this mess on display.

  23. Dumb? Personally I don't find it dumb at all.  Was he female at one point, yes.  Was he a woman at one point, nope.  He's transsexual.

    Now as far as the first female to male transsexual that's been pregnant? That's false and I  agree that there's too much hype about this. There's dozens of similar people who have been pregnant both before and after they changed s*x.  A documentary has even been made about it.  Can't remember the name at the moment though.

  24. Its still very weird whatever gender change he/ she did, what are we showing our children here!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously its weird!

  25. I agree with you!!!

    I just came across the story on yahoo, and i was all shocked! what? A pregant MAN???

    Turns out "he" was born a girl. Still has a uterus. That's still a woman in my book. So i don't really understand what the fuss is about. What? are they going to make a fuss about me too when i get pregnant cause i have virtually no b***s, i can cut my hair like a guy and grow out my mustache so i look like a boy? That doesn't make me a man. Even if i went through surgery to get a p***s.

    When a MAN (a born man, please) gets pregnant, THEN make a fuss about it.

    That's my opinion too.

  26. I think it is more of a status quo thing. Most women who are pregnant look like women. Seeing a woman that looks like a man pregnant is something that is socially different and the general public may be shocked and appalled by this. Another thing is that obviously this person did not want to be a woman and the fact that she is pregnant is going against what she gives as a message by changing her appearance. If she did not want to be a woman, then the pregnancy is odd because that is a female thing.

  27. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is nothing more than a pregnant WOMAN that had her b*****s removed and takes testerone.  That does not make a man.

    God help us.

  28. I agree! So many people are making a big fuss over it but he (or she) is still part woman (like you said) I just hope this doesn't catch on. Sheesh...

  29. Slippery slope problem with the freedoms granted and are now approaching OTT.  g*y term is used incorrectly, rainbow stolen from something beautiful, just to justify gross acts between same s*x.  They promised back over 40 years ago it would not get out of hand, just let them come out of the closet and be free.  Yea, their free all right, free to change definitions of words to justify their ugly behavior.  Someday they all will be chased back into their closets.  It is time to get real again.  For those who are dummied down from the great public school system:

    Sperm = MAN  

    Eggs = WOMAN

    No sperm or eggs = IT

    Sperm and Eggs = From another planet - ie not human or maybe result of nuclear experiment.  Lets see it first.

    Who is the guy who got HER pregnant? Maybe this is a case against artificial insemination.  I know this frightens my sperm from being in any test tube.  I will stick with the natural method of one woman for one man.

    For those who don't care, Care for the child to be born into this mess.  Hopefully there wont be too much confusion.

  30. I agree with you all the way. This story is so blown out of proportion. Are we all that bored that we are gobbling this up?

  31. I think the problem is more of cosmetic shock. I saw the video and it looked like  man, and that alone just derailed me. when I discovered he was biologically a woman, I was like: Okay, well, thats fine, I'm still on earth." The problem is also those who will now look at it from g*y/Heterosexual standpoint, now they know the couple is g*y and all of that other stuff so if it isn't one thing its another thing.
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