
Pregnant or Not??? Please read!!! I'm over 30 and married?

by  |  earlier

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spotted June 14 to 17

My period was June 18 to 20

I always had irregular periods, but usally I'll take provera.

I've been moody and throwing up (but I think it's because it's hot). I've taking 3 pregnancy test all negative.

My doctor said if nothing happens, then he would ref me to a specialist.

I've been cramping a lot, July 9th heavy spotting and went off(thinking it was my period and took only 1 of my clomid pills). I bleeded through my pants and had a little discharge.

July 17th Spotted with discharge and went off the same day..

July 18th Spotted with discharge, went off..

July 19th "the same

July 20th Just spotting

What do you think??? Whats going on with my period...

This month my periods are coming on one day with discharge, but going back off the same day..

How will I know how and when to take my next round of clomid????

The spotting was heavy bleeding (enough to use a pad), but each day it went off the same day with discharge... if that helps




  1. You may be pregnant, but then you couldn't be, you need to

    Edit: with dates when you had unprotected s*x/ or if you didnt explaining it had slipped or what ever.. so we all know how far gone you should be.

    You need to explain to the doctor it is an EMERGANCY and they will give you a slot straight away but go to the doctors..

    I'm thinking you could be preg b/c of the being sick and spotting and that.

    But the negatives make me think your not, i would say have a blood test would be your best bet.

    Good luck Sweetie. Take care! =)

  2. Keep trying to reach the doctor or nurse . . . when I was on Clomid, my period was weird, much lighter . . . maybe that is what is happening to you!

    Good luck - I hope that you get you positive soon!

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