
Pregnant or not, please help!?

by  |  earlier

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OK i missed my period and im currently a week late. I have no sore b***s but i have been experiencing fatigue and tiny blue veins on my nipples. I took 2 pregnancy tests (Clear Blue) and it said not pregnant, i took then about 4 and 5 days after my missed period. What could be going wronge here could i stil be pregnant or just exeriencing a late period? Has any of this happend to you and what really was happening??




  1. Yes, you could still be pregnant.  When I got pregnant I tested when I was 4 days late, and I got a negative, a week after that I tested again and I got a positive.  I really depends on how fast your body is producing  the pregnancy hormone.  Some women just get a positive way later in pregnancy, it really depends on you body and the pregnancy.  You are having a few early pregnancy symptoms so just keep you fingers crossed and I really hope this is your month.

    Good Luck, and lots of Baby Dust!!

  2. You could still be pregnant. Do not rely on home pregnancy tests. I was 4 months pregnant and showing and still tested negative with a home kit. Had a blood test done at my local health department. Was told that home tests are not always right.

  3. does sound like you could be pregnant, i didn't have sore b***s when i found out i was pregnant only just started to hurt, i would take another test in a day or 2 if still negative maybe get a blood test done  

  4. It's definitely possible you could be pregnant.  Some women do not even test positive for pregnancy tests even after they know for sure they are pregnant.  It has something to do with the level of estrogen in the body.  I suggest you go in for a blood test.  Many clinics will do them for free.  

    Good luck!

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