
Pregnant - really bad cramps ? please help?

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Hey am about 5 weeks pregnant and suffering from really servier cramping, i went to the hosp last nite and they said i just have to sit it out. but it gets to the point where i cant sit still and in tears as it hurts that much, it can last about ten Min's and then it will go and then come back maybe the nest day or a few ours later and it will just keep doing that,

I though being pregnant would be less pain full then this.

does any one have any suggestions that could ease this pain with out taking any thing, as i really don't no if i can take this for much longer.

please help xox




  1. That kind of cramping is not normal.  If you have an OB get a hold of him or her immediately.  If not, go back to the ER and demand and U/S to make sure you're not having a miscarriage.

  2. If you already have a doctor, you need to call them immediately. If not then get in with one asap or go back to the emergency room.Don't sit there in pain go back and see another doctor. It could be just growing pains but it is better to be safe than sorry.Good luck!

  3. I am experiencing the same thing and when I went to the ER they did an U/S and an internal exam and everything was perfectly fine. They put me on strict precautions to protect myself and the baby in case I am possibly starting to miscarry. Take it easy and stay off your feet as much as possible. No sexual intercourse or anything in your v****a. If the cramping gets worse go back to the ER and follow up with your OB within a week (this is what the ER doc told me). Try not to stress as that doesn't help much. If the pain is too unbearable take some Tylenol but not too much. Hopefully the advice they gave me will help you. Good Luck

  4. Hi ;)

    First of all a lot of things are happening in your abdomen right now. Muscles being pulled, uterus stretching, etc. It is normal for you to experience pain in the belly. If those cramps are not accompanied by blood or do not ressemble a contraction, you usually have nothing to worry about. By contraction I mean : they come and go with a certain time lapse in between each cramp.

    If they do ressemble contractions or if there is blood, call your doctor or go right away to the hospital. You could even call directly the obstetric and ask the directly.

    If the pain gets too much to handle, just call the doctor.

    You can take tylenols (they are risk-free for the baby as long as you follow the posology). If not, just sit down and relax.

    Good luck and congrats ...

  5. I've been pregnant twice, and I can assure you that your situation is NOT normal.  You need to get in to see your doctor first thing today.  If the doc can't see you, get yourself to the hospital.  Go to a different hospital if you don't like the one you went to last night.

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