well its been about a month and i really think i am prego and i have gained like 2pounds but other then that i have all the symptoms still like very queasy after i eat, having to pee alot like every 5to10min after i had just went, eating alot, tender brest and swollen stretch marks now, hurts to lay on my stomach, and cant sleep very well, but am very tired through out the day.! my fiance and i really would love to become prego and have our own family soon and i pray every night i am and NO i will not go to the doctor so dont suggest that i have reasons so plz if you think i am or not
ps. last month i was very stressed and had a 2to3 day so called periods i wouldnt call them that becuz mine is up to a week.! but does that mean anything and NO it wasnt suppose to happen i guess it was from stress my period was suppose to start the first of this month and it hasn't...CAN you plz tell me what you think and know from experience and this would be my first pregnancy but am very talented with kids