
Pregnant teddy bear hamster?

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She has all the signs of a pregnant hamster. Building a nest, eating and drinking alot. But I recently noticed through all the fur on her belly are some pink spots. They aren't quite nipples from what I can see. But they might be? I don't know. She has not been housed with a male unless I bought her pregnant.

Please help? I have had her for 2 weeks now.




  1. well you may have bought her prego wait and look for a bump then wait a bit longer if she is she should give birth and then you will have some lil baby cute hammies

  2. Yup shes pregnent,or at least she has all of the signs of it. be prepared to deliver some cute baby hammies!

  3. There isn't much you can do but keep her comfy and try to keep her stress down.  Make sure she is in a quiet and dark space, and just keep an eye on her.  If she has babies, there isn't much you can do but hope she's a good mom.  Don't be surprised if she eats the babies- this is unfortunately pretty common with syrian hamsters.  Don't touch the babies for 2 weeks (if she does have them) and make sure at 3 weeks you get them separated from her, and no later then 4 weeks you need to make sure the boys are not with the girls.  (They start breeding YOUNG!)

    I hope she's not pregnant, but if she is you can handle it. :)  However, if you've had her for more then 18 days, she's not pregnant- their gestation is only 16-18 days according to what I've read online.

  4. i would go buy another cage. cause shes prego. and when she has the babys three weeks after you have to get her away from them or you'll see some blood.

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