
Pregnant teen, how do i tell him?

by Guest57295  |  earlier

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Me and a guy have been together [unofficially] 4 a year now. We had s*x 3x. The last time, he c... in the condom. I didnt get off rite away cuz i didnt no. I have acid reflux, so ive been puking b4 hand. I asked him a few months ago what he would do if he got a girl preg. and he said he would take care of the girl and the baby, but thats what ALOT of guys say n dont. I love him, but he doenst love me back. Im so scared to tell him. What should i do, step by step? How do I tell my mom? Im gonna keep it, but idk what HES gonna do.




  1. the best you can do is just flat out tell him

    and if he leaves you he was never worth your

    time and just because your a teen doesnt mean you

    cant be a good mom

  2. You did not say how old you are. First of all tell your Mom. You are going  to need all the support you can get. Why are you having s*x when you are not married. You need a husband before you have children.

    Your whole life is going to change now it is going to have to be all about that baby. Consider adoption. Tell your Mom.

  3. look this is a very serious problem, why does ur boyfriend doesnt love u back? well if he reeally loves u he will support u, but what r u going to do if he doesnt. do you have anyone that u trust and it is really close to ur family and that will support u if u dont get help from ur partner?

    first go and talk w/ ur partner if he  is w/ u than goto the trusted person and tell him or her ur problem and tell him that if he can go w/ u guys to talk 2 ur parents so that they can stop any violence that might occur. if ur parents support u and ur partner doesnt let me tell u something that he is mo... fuc..

    and he will regret one day. take care of that baby and yes u can do it alone. u will notice ur true friends,they will be there for u.

  4. ok maybe you should just tell him! i mean if he loves you then he will help with you and the baby!!! if not then he doesnt really love you!!! he needs 2 stick with whst he said bout taking care of the gurl and the baby if he got sm1 pregnant!!!!

    Hope this helps

  5. hi my name is dj and my girlfriend of almost a year told me on monday she was pregnat .and why i tell u this first is becase it will help u way more in the long run if u dont tell him it will hurt u and the baby and him more then not telling him and yes my girlfriend is also a teenager and i thing that he would take care of the baby just give him the chance

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