
Pregnant teens, I have some questions?

by Guest62082  |  earlier

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What was your first thought when you tested "positive"? How did you feel?

Who did you tell first?

How did your parents react?

How old were you? are you with that child/pregnancy now?

Just some questions, I am curious! =) Thank you.




  1. Abortion is the biggest form of irresponsibility there is. "Oh, I got pregnant and I don't want it so I'll just kill it." Yeah ok. If you say so. It's just a convenient solution to getting out of responsibility. Meanwhile, another poor innocent baby dies. If this is about you, I am sure you were pretty shocked when you tested +. Just tell your parents. No doubt, they will be upset. They may even feel hurt and disappointed. Don't worry they will get over it. Once they know, step up to the plate. Do all that you can to be an active, responsible mother. Your parents, more than likely, will help you as much as they can. Finish school. My advice is to stay with your parents as long as they allow while you get yourself together. Try to put your baby in daycare while you attend a community college. Start thinking like a mother. Don't worry, everything will be ok. God will give you strength and will provide for you and your child. He hates abortions so he won't leave you hanging.

  2. When I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was shocked and scared as h**l...With the 2nd (unborn baby, 12 weeks pregnant.), I was a bit happy, But still scared, even if I had already raised another, I told my mom first, that I thought I was pregnant, When she found out that I was actually pregnant, She was pissed off/angry, upset...It wasn't a great day in my house that day, and when I told her I was pregnant again, She was upset, But got over it within like 20 minutes, and just accepted it. I was only only 12, and had my daughter in November, a Month after my 13th Birthday. Now, I love being a Momma, My daughter is my life, and my world, and even though, Sometimes I wish I was a normal 16 year old without any responsibility's, I wouldn't give her(or the unborn baby.) up, for anything.

  3. oh ****.. was my first thought. haha.

    but then i started thinking more seriously.

    I was actually at the health department to get birth control

    so they gave me a pregnancy test just to be safe..

    Then they told me I was preg.

    My mom was there with me

    The first words out of her mouth were "your getting an abortion".. but I would never do that.

    I was 14.

    Now everyone is very supportive. I am with my baby's father. And we are happy. I wouldnt change anything about my life now.

    BUT its not a good idea to get pregnant as a teen. Some girls just get lucky and have supportive friends and family.

  4. my first thought was i am to young to be pregnant but then i realized that if i am old enough to have s*x than i am old enough to have a baby.  I felt so weird i knew something was living in me and it was weird.  I told my mom and dad first and then my bf.  My parents were upset but they were really supportive about my pregnancy.  I was 13 with my first and 15 with my second.  both of my children are great and i have had supportive people in my life.  

    hope i helped  :)

  5. 1. my first thought was omg i cant do this!! i am not gonna be play sports and my friends will exclude me,

    2.My best friend.. hailey hudson

    3.they put me up for adoption


    5.ummm i hated it. it hurt.and i hated the kid so i put him up for adoption. and i hope u dont  do that. cuz its sad,, they will kill ur kid.

  6. When I tested positive I was freaked out and scared out of my mind but once everyone knew and was willing to help me out and support me I felt a lot better.

    The first person I told was my boyfriend . When I told my parents I just said mom and dad im pregnant I know I made a mistake but I need you more than anything and I need as much help and support as possible. I was 14 when I got pregnant and now my baby girl is 2 months and will be 3 months on the 17th. I couldn't be happier with my life now and I love my baby more than anything in this world.

  7. Yeah im sure most of those answers would be shock. that would be everybodys feelings. and to the first person abortion isnt being responsible. its irresponsible. just because you wanted to be cool and have s*x doesnt mean you can throw away a living person. even if you got raped. its not the babies fault.

  8. you will ruin your life and everyone you know. If your parents wanted another kid then THEY would have had one. they are going to end up being the primary ones taking care of the kid. that is UNFAIR to your parents. dont burden them with YOUR mistake

    I got an abortion because I was RESPONSIBLE...I was not going to burden my parennts with my mistake or pass it off to some home or placement center just so I can say I didnt have an abortion...what are the actual chances of that baby going into a good home?

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