
Pregnant wife vs employer?

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HI, how should i tell my boss, that my wife is in 5th month pregnancy, last employee was sacked , because he was taking lost of time off because of looking after the baby and itdidn't work out, i don't want to feel guilty in front of my wife and in front of my employer,??




  1. check out paternity rights online - as wel las employee rights.  you'll find what you're entitled to and how you are protected.  Then you will feel confident about telling your boss what he needs to know.  You may not need the same amount of time as your colleague - but if you want leave when your baby is born, you may be entitled to paternity leave: check with your personnel department or your employee handbook.  But also check the law online because each country is different.  If you aren't entitled to paternity leave, tell them you want normal/holiday leave to begin on the expected due date of your child in 4 months - but also ask if this can be flexible since the baby might not be born on the expected date.  If you suspect your employer will try to sack you between now and that date, you might want to write him an email or a letter requesting time off so that you have evidence of asking him.  That way you can sue him if he tries it because it is illegal.  Best wishes.

  2. Was that meant to be paternaty leave??

    no one should ever get sacked because of that!  confront your boss, your wife needs you - try doing that by yourself!

    good luck

  3. WHY should you tell your boss that? It is part of your personal life, I don't see how that pertains to your job, plus ANYONE knows that if our kid is ill we will not give a darn about a job and run to his/her aid, it is what humans do! So shame on that employer for not considering that his employees are human beings with actual lives.

  4. there are lawsuits started with people being fired like that.  

    I would just tell my boss that my wife is preg, and I may need to help her out for a while. and I would suggest that you take a chunk of time right after the baby is born just to make sure she gets settled and then work out an schedule with your boss, like you take every friday off, or half of mondays, half of another day.

    I found that planning with the boss gets better results than taking tons of last min days.  

    If the job is just a job and able to be replaced then there is the option of telling the boss that family is important to you and you are willing to find a company that will work with you.  And if need be make some calls and find one, that way the option is open to you.  If the threat is done correctly and confident with names of companies to drop if need be then you may get the time you need.

    Make sure the boss knows it is temporary. And how important the job is and that family is important to you also. that your work quality will not go down either.  The boss likes to hear how eager to keep your job.  It will help in the long run.

    Good luck

  5. That employee was fired AFTER the baby was born so you shouldn't be worrying now. If anyone for any reason uses too much sick leave especially uses more than they have, they have to be fired. It doesn't look good to HR dept when you're in the negative for sick leave. My husband and I have a 3 yr old child and the best situation for us was for me to be a stay-at-home mom. I was using too much sick leave and the daycare facility my son was in wasn't taking care of him properly. I quit because I thought this was best. Now my husband doesn't have to take much sick leave because I'm always here as a stay-at-home mom to take care of our son. It's best for everyone. My son is being fed properly and happier. Good Luck!

  6. If you are in the UK, read this:

    That should help you with the legalities, the feelings of guilt we cannot help you with!

  7. Does your wife work?  If so, then she can claim the child on her tax return and you don't have to.  Although, if your carry the health insurance, then yes - you'd have to tell the boss because you'd have to add the child to health insurance... unless your wife has the health insurance... then again don't tell your boss.

    Anyways, maybe you should just wait and not say anything until the baby is here.  Why spend the next 4 months worrying about your job and what your boss thinks.  Just wait until the last moment, then tell him and meanwhile, I'd be looking for other jobs, just in case.

  8. IN the UK, Employment Law totally favours the employee, and it is virtually impossible to fire somebody without jumping through many a hoop.

    It's highly unlikely that the last employee was fired solely for time off due to the baby, that is unless he was taking the proverbial p*ss.

    There's nothing your employer can do if you tell them your wife's pregnant, don't worry.

  9. If your boss fired someone over something like this, then shame on him. This is a common excuse to not come to work. U have a child.

  10. Tell your employer.  If they give you the sack, take them to the Employment tribunal, and get loads of compensation.  That is unfair dismissal, and probably a bunch of other things too.  Your boss sound like a real w***er.  This should be a happy time for you, not one which makes you fear for your job.  Good luck, and congrats on the baby.

  11. wat i would do is go on the jermey kyle show

  12. You can have 2 weeks paternity leave. Personally, it is very annoying for any other employees if you keep being off work to look after a baby. You work then gets landed on everyone else and why should we suffer due to your personal life. That is more likely the reason why the other guy got sacked. Small businesses can't cope with that.

  13. They cannot fire you for having a pregant wife...that is illegal. They could fire you for "no reason".  If you are that worried about it start looking for another job.  Also plan it right and you shouldn't have to take that much time off work.  Do you have any vaction time, use it.

  14. Ur wife being pregnant wont get u sacked... taking time off work will!    If ur employer sacks u for that reason..... u can take him to court for unfair dismissal.

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