
Pregnant with a navel ring/piercing ?

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Anyone have their belly button pierced & pregnant?

how did it work out for you?

i have heard you could put a rubber/plastic type ring in it while your pregnant so it will hold the piercing open?

also mine just got done a little while ago its still kinda healing....whats going to happen?




  1. take it out its not worth it, you have bigger things to wory about than your navel ring , your going to have a baby!!! if you still want it after your baby get it done again.

  2. 1) Some women are able to keep their original belly ring in with no problems.  You could see if you're this kind of woman by keeping it in as long as is comfortable.

    2) As soon as you think it might be about to get uncomfortable, switch to a pregnancy belly ring.

    3) If you don't feel comfortable keeping it in for whatever reason, take it out.  Really.  They can re-pierce it.  I've had both my eyebrow and belly button rings re-pierced (and my belly ring had only been in about 3 or 4 months and was out for over a year when they redid it - no problems).  

    ETA I just read your last edit - is there any way they could stretch your piercing if you take it out and decide to have it put back in?  When I said that I had mine repierced, I really meant "re-poked."  The hole had healed a little bit, so the piercer just stretched it out a little until they could fit a 14 gauge piece of jewelry in there.  Maybe you could talk to your piercer.  That's terrible that you had to get it fully repierced close to the original piercing site - no wonder you don't want to take your jewelry out.

    Good luck!

  3. i am 6 months pregnant and i still have my belly button ring in.. but my navel has not poked out yet but i plan to keep it in.

  4. Mine got taken out years ago n am so glad i did!

    My belly button has popped n now i can see the bottom hole above my belly button! As everyones is different just watch closely how ur button changes u may not even have to take it out cos urs mite not change at all! But putting in a flexible bar is a smart idea.


  5. Well toots I personally have 8 piercings and 10 tattoos! Love them! Its part of how I express myself! Its art and people who don't appreciate it are not worth it!

    As far as your peircing bc it is not yet healed your best bet would be to take it out and let it heal and once the baby is born you cab get it repeirced! I suggest taking it out because while your pregnant you are more proned to infections and having an unhealed foreign object in your navel can cause an infection and hurt your unborn baby! I have had my belly button peirced for 10 years and I took mine out the second I found out bc I have seen girls who got stretch marks that looked like road maps from the stretching where the navel was peirced! My whole won't heal **** because I've had it for so long but I would just recommend taking it out and having it redone later!

    Good luck!

  6. I took my belly button ring out years ago, but it looks SO weird now that my belly is growing! My belly button hasn't popped out yet but I no longer have an inny, it's just kind of flat with these two funny looking scars above it from my piercing. Also, the scars have been itching like crazy ever since my belly started getting really big.  

  7. Id take it out if I were you, not to scare you or anything, but my sister had hers in and ended up getting a couple horrible strech marks were the two holes were, and those were the only strech marks she got, so becareful, just warning you, cuz i don't want you to end up having the same problem

  8. take the original out and put a flexible one in during your pregnancy then if you still want it after put a real one back in

  9. get one made of a flexible material and it'll be fine.

  10. Hey, Im pregnant and have a belly piercing too. At about six months you are gonna need to change it to a flexible barbel, and probably have to remove it at the delivery time.  But it should be healed up by then so all is well. Good Luck.

  11. At first, I just switched to a round circular ring, so my belly could "grow" around it. I eventually took it out, it wasn't worth the hassle. Plus, my hubby told me he'd buy me diamond earrings if I took it out, so I did. And when I got the earrings, I put one in my belly piercing, as a joke, and said thanks babe! Kinda sucks that you just got it done though. You'll figure out what to do.  

  12. When you get bigger go online and find the pregnancy ones.:).You can buy some online and you should have time for it to heal before your "showing".

  13. I had it pierced, I know, a 29 year old still with a belly piercing seems kind of weird, but it was there.

    Honestly,I took mine out, it ripped and pulled when my tummy started to get bigger, and if yours is still healing, it will hurt a bit more if it gets infected.

    Mine never got infected, but now I have a scar, which I don't fancy much :-(

  14. I had to take mine out about 4-5 months in, but then again, I've gained 40 pounds the whole pregnancy. I make sure I can get a tongue ring through the hole (it will become flat, and look like almost 2 cuts, you will see) because the tongue ring is straight and easier to get through. GL!

  15. my mom has her belly button peirced and she is trying to get pregnant,

    they have these belly rings you can buy at a peircing place, or they might sell it in the malls [those little peircing stands] what they are is a belly ring, but its shaped a certain way so when your stomach gets bigger and your skin will stretch and pull on the belly button ring, which may rip, but these are made so it wont be hurtful or rip while you are pregnant.

    i guess its either those, your regular ring, or take it out

  16. I have a belly buton ring and have given birth with it in twice. I used to have one of those curved "barbell's" and it was getting tight so I switched to an actual ring shaped ring and had no trouble at all..but beware bc they can rip through at any time with no warning. And they are nasty when they do. I guess it depends on how important it is to you for it to not grow back together. Me? I am a big sissy and hated having it done in the first place so I for darn sure didn't want to have to redo it if it the hole grew But I think if you switch to a larger ring, you will be ok. If at any time it feels tight I would remove it right away.  

  17. i have had my belly bar in with all 3 of my pregnancy's but just changed it to the bio flex ones, you can get them off the internet or any piecing shop

  18. I was told that you either have to take it out, or you can get a wire that is the same thickness and as your stomach expands, you make the wire bigger.  Just make sure the wire is sterilized!

  19. Just take it out and let it close up. I had mine done for 5 years before I got pregnant with my first son so it was healed when I took my ring out. Your belly is going to stretch so much that your belly button may flatten out. And after the baby is born, the piercing will be stretched too. My piercing has never looked the same. Not terribley disfigured or anything...just stretched. So, I would take it out if I were you, let it heal. Then when your finished having kids, if you want it, go get it done again. Just my opinion though!

  20. yeah they make like "pregnancy" rings but u dont have to worry until your belly gets bigger

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