
Pregnant with number 2. just wondering...?

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hi, i have a 6 month old baby boy and i have just found out i'm pregnant with number 2. i've worked out they will be 13 months apart and i was just wondering is this a baby thing that there so close? alot of people ain't happy about this and it makes me feel bad even though i love my baby's and i'm happy about this. it took me 3 yrs to conceive my first and i was blessed to have him and now this one. Also i was just wondering i had a c section with my first because my pelvis was to small (he was 5 pound 13 oz) and i have spoken to my doctor and he seems to think i'll have to have another one, is it going to be easier this time around?even after i have a c section? thanks for the help.




  1. i don't think its a bad thing its just one of these things that happen i wouldn't worry and it will probably be easier i had a epidural with my 1st pregnancy then with my 2nd it was so much easier but now i am pregnant with twins its even worse

  2. I am not a doctor. However, I have had three children (8,3 and 1). I have had all vaginal deliveries. But have had friends that have had a c section then a vaginal birth. If your doctor thinks that a c section is your best option it probably is. There isn't anything wrong with having kids close together. All babies are a gift...remember that.

  3. I think it is a great thing they are going to be close in age. Since they will be close in age they will be into the same stuff all there lives. I think that people that have them so far apart are doing wrong coz the kids are always in different stages in their lives. Good on you. I have one child at the moment and preggies with number two and my kids will be 20 months apart and if it was upto me I would have them closer in age. It will be hard for you at first but once you get yourself in a routine and the kids are a little older you will be just fine. Don't listen to everyones negative c**p, they just got nothing better to do with there time then make up c**p to try and bring you down. Congrats.

  4. The c section might be easier this time because you will know what to expect.  I think it is awesome to have your kids close together because the=n they will have a lifelong pal and they will never remember a time when they didnt have to share!

  5. my second and third are 1yr and 2wks apart(boy-girl). it has its challenges but it has its benefits too. they'll be closer- we would joke and say that they were "chicano twins" but they really did (and still do) have that twin speak and that 6th sense twins have for each other. and thankfully you wont have to haul out all the baby stuff again they'll just follow each other from phase to phase.

  6. It's not a bad thing if you can handle it. Most woman can't. But in the long run, it will be a very good thing, because they will get to grow up together, and be friends. and that will make it easier for you.

    Don't know about the c-section, because i've only had one, so far. But i guess it does get easier because at least this time around you know what to expect and how to handle it maybe better  

  7. i read that to give your time ample enough time to recover from pregnancy you should wait closer to a year or more, but my boyfriends mom got preg. with his sister 3 months after giving birth! and she was fine, better than fine so i think it just depends on the person. 2nd pregnancies are generally rougher regardless of the amount of time that lapses before having them.

    as far as the age thing, it sounds like a fantastic age gap, actually. too far apart they fight too much or don't usually form as close of a bond and too close together is more work, but it sounds like you got it right in the middle. it mostly depends on the parenting anyway, so i'm sure you and your babies will do fine. :)

  8. My brother and I are a little over a year apart and its the best thing ever! Not only do we have an incredibly close relationship but because of our closeness in age its alotted us to be able to really grow up together! I plan to do the same with my own! Congrats!

  9. no! not at all, they will be very close and they will be like friends, and help each other around!!!

    don't listen to what people say... they will never be happy...

    3 years was a long wait and now you are getting blessed by 2... so, be happy and enjoy!

    maybe you will have a c-section, and yeah, it will be hard... but its just for some time and then, you are free for your babies... one good thing that they will be so close, is that the second one will follow the first a lot, so a lot of things you had to teach the first one, the second one will just get them!...


  10. visit the following url

  11. I got preggo when my 2nd was 6 months. She is now 15 months and the baby should be here any day. There is nothing wrong with it, it is harder on your body though. I never had a c-section so I don't know how that'll work but it'll probably be a little harder during recovery since you will be taking care of 2 babies then.  

  12. well, it is going to be very hard for you. they both will be so needy. they say it is ment to be easier, but that is really up to the person and how they deal with things.... as for people not being to happy about it, well really it is up to you, and only you. good luck.oh and dont feel bad. thats not good for you and the baby

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