
Pregnant women who used medicaid, are the numbers of ultrasounds a pregnant woman can...?

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get limited? What if she has a primary insurance and Medicaid is only paying the copays?




  1. Its not true that they wont pay for more than two.  Your doctor usually won't do more than two anyways unless it is needed. As long as your doctor says it is needed they will preform as many as needed. With my son I had six done. I was on Medicaid. I also never had to pay a thing! My cousin had more than me done when she was expecting because she was high risk. She was having contraction through out pregnancy and almost lost her girls three times. She was on Medicaid too. Long story short Medicaid will pay for whatever the doctor says is needed. If its just that you want more than two then get in good with the doc and convince them you need another. They are good at coming up with the reasons for ultrasound. Medicaid isn't going to argue the health of an unborn baby!

  2. yeah if everything is ok then they only do 2. but, if they find something wrong then they will pay for as many as you need.

  3. Generally they will not perform more than two (one early for dating, and one at about 16-22 weeks for growth and anatomy) unless it is medically necessary. If it's medically necessary for any reason, medicaid/insurance covers it.

  4. It really depends on your doctor but unless you are high risk they will only do 2 if your lucky 3 ......1 at the begining 2nd one at 20-23 wks to determine the s*x and the 3rd if your lucky to find out how big the baby will be at delivery around 34 wks I have only gotten 2 and they wont give me anymore  

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