
Pregnate guinea pig?

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We have had my guinea pig, paris, for about a month now and i just started noticing some little things she has been doing. she drinks about a half of bottle water a day, and shes really bulky in her lower half. she buries herself in the corner of her cage, and stays there all day. she eats alot..ALOT of her food. Now, i think this is near impossible, because the woman that we got her from had her for a while as well. so how would that be possible? how long does it take a guinea pig to have babies?




  1. -Check on sites like google or ask and find sites that explain signs heres one with alot of info:

    -When I bought my guinea pig she was already pregnant so it came to us as a surprise when she did give birth. If she lets you pick her up without the normal squeal or trying to do things a normal guinea pigs do then shes either pregnant or there is somthing wrong with her. I would suggest start searching for vets that take guinea pigs. Even if it is just pregnancy its always good to have a good vet on hand.

  2. If the former owner had no boars, then she is not preggers---she's just fat. But to answer your question, gestation is around 70 days from the time of mating. Guinea pigs eat a lot of food anyway. If she was kept in a small cage and wasn't let out for exercise, piggies can become very overweight. Some piggies drink more than others, so a half bottle (assuming its an 8 oz. bottle) a day isn't surprising.

    Paris is probably still getting used to you & her new environment, so being a couch potato in the corner isn't totally unusual, especially if she's all by herself. However, prolonged lengths of time sitting in the corner aren't good for her. She needs to be let out of the cage every day for a couple of hours to run around on the floor to get her exercise.

    Ideally, she should be housed with another sow. Guinea pigs are very social herd animals and should always be housed in PAIRS. See the following link for some good reading:

  3. There's reproduction info here

  4. Give her a few weeks, it shouldn't take long for them to come out if this is really the case.

  5. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, how long has she beeen like this+ the lady had her?

    Because pregnancy usually lasts 2 and 1/2 months, and people usually notice by the end of the pregnancy.

    One way to know how far away the babies are is a schedule;


    1. No signs of pregnancy

    2. See a tiny bit of growth of the stomach

    3. Gradual growth of the stomach

    4.Same as three

    5. Same as three

    6. Begins to eat and drink more

    7. When u hold paris u will be able to feel little kicks

    8. By now you will be able to see her stomach move and feel the bones of the babies

    9, Same as eight

    10. D-day!

    She might be at week 5-6, she sounds like she is carrying a big litter, and if she doesn't let you touch her stomach and nips you when you try to, then yes she is pregnant
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