
Pregnent 14 year old i think?

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omg im 14 an me an my bf blake sneaked out of the house one nite ok many times an had s*x an we both think tat im pregnent an idk wat to do an help pppppppppppllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee...




  1. Abortion or adoption. Neither is an easy choice. Not all of life's questions are as easy as "Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?"

  2. you should do a pregnancy test, thats for sure. but if youre pregnant, your parents will get to know, and they ll be more furious, knowing you sneaked out.

  3. OMG...........

  4. wait to take a home pregnancy test. If its positive you need to have a talk with your mother. if its negative or positive you need to stop having s*x until you are more mature...meaning, until you can handle the responsiblity of being a mother

  5. Now, legality sets in.  

    How old is blake?

    If you had to sneak out of the house, then something tells me that blake may be a little older, but if he is older and more than 3 years, that's definitly trouble.

    The help you need will not come from here, it will come from legal services because eventually, your parents will find out.  You will have to do something about school when you actually start full-blown pregnancy and to do that you have to go through your parents.

    But, what do you feel about abortion?

    Most people think that is a wrong thing to do, but they are not the one that is pregnant.

    But, you don't know yet if you are pregnant.

    But, you cannot ignore the law.  

    The law, in the case of statutory rape, does not have to have a person to bring the charge, it is absolute law.

    14 is below the age of consent in America.

    In Canada, it is different, though.

    You will start changing physically and you did make a physical change when you had your first sexual encounter and I'm suprised your parents didn't recognize it and they probably did and they stopped you from going out, but you slapped them in the face and went out and had s*x anyway.

    Now you are scared that your disobedience has cost you your life.

    How do you think your parents feel?

    If you are pregnant and you are going to keep the child, you have to start caring more for your own body; eating healthy, no smoking, drinking, and best of all stay calm and speak softly.  

    And if you are going to keep blake, he has to be educated about children too and he has a job to do.

    He has to support this child.

    I wish the best for you.

  6. The fact that you had to 'sneak' out to have s*x and you can't even take the time to write you question more legibly shows how much you shouldn't be having s*x. Go to the shops and get a test, you can get them for a £1 and are just as reliable as dearer ones. If its positive then its time to face up to the responsibility's that come along with s*x.

  7. o wow... u r totally gonna b h83d on, a 13 yr old in my skool had it wit anoither guy and she was rejected and had to transfer skools and such, lol good luck

  8. 14 u need to grow up and not even think about s*x...if u do well common sense use protection   duhhhhh.

  9. I think 14 is way to young, but that's my opinion. Do what the others said and go buy a pregnancy test. Tell your parents if you are. My friend waited a few months before telling anyone.


    no s*x= no worrying. :)

    ^ as in wait til you are a little older. :-]

  10. Take responsibility for your stupidity and grow up.  You both have to grow up fast now and be parents or do the mature thing and give the baby to mature, stable people who will love it and give it a chance in life.

  11. Don't Kill the baby. Try keeping it cuz that's always the best and if not give it up for adoption. Tell your parents so they can help you.

  12. Sorry hun, but if you're mature enough to have s*x, you are going to have to be mature enough to face up to the consequences of your actions. For your sake I hope you're not pregnant but I'm sure you know that having s*x can result in pregnancy. Get hold of a pregnancy test or go to a doctor.

  13. Suffer. First of all you might want to tell your parents, they can get you the help you obviously need.  Obviously they need help in parenting because no way is a 14 year old mature enough to date let alone have a boyfriend.  You've proven that theroy.

  14. get someone to get you a test

  15. take a preg. test and stop having s*x.  You are too young to be mature enough to have s*x, I know, I was your age when I started and d**n do I wish I hadn't ...

    You need to take it seriously.  Most girls I know are "so excited to be pregnant" then have no idea what to do when they have a baby.  Either you're going to step up, or you're going to give the baby a life with a family who can take care of it properly.  Abortion is not an answer because the baby didn't ask to be conceived, you did the deed, so you really shouldn't think about it as getting it taken care of because it's really just taking a baby's life.

    If you get off the hook this time, please be responsible from now on, even wait until you're much older or married.  Because if you don't, you're going to ruin your whole life.  Trust me, I know.

  16. wheres the person at who asked the question "what's the point of 13-14 yr olds's not like they have s*x or anything"

    he's a virgin and hates it

  17. You're way too young to have s*x in the first place!  You need to take a pregnancy test first, and stop having s*x.  Be a child for christ's sake!  You're going to be grown all too soon,,, you should enjoy your childhood ..what's left of it.  Now if you're pregnant than so much for that.  Adoption, abortion or keeping the baby are all very difficult choices for a child to make.  Tell your Mama!  She needs to know.  She needs to be a part of this... it's scary I know, but she will be there for you..  If she's a good mother.   Good luck to you.  

    If you find out you've dodged a bullet than you need to take more responsibility for yourself and stop having s*x.  Or at least use birth control..  (But you really should stop the s*x!)

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