
Prego at 13?

by Guest66771  |  earlier

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I just found out that I am pregnant I'm 13 and my boyfriend is 18 and my mama is letting me move in with him what do you think about this?




  1. First of all, what are a 13 year old and 19 year old doing dating each other?  You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into and neither does this boy.  This is insane that you two are having a child.  I hope you have a huge support system (family and friends).

  2. Your a crazy ****

    Your boyfriend is a Pedophile, rapist, child molester

    what ever you wana call it

    Your mama is the dumb for not calling the cops


  3. I think your mama is insane.

  4. I think you are too young to be having s*x much less be pregnant. I think that your "boyfriend" is a pediphile. What does an 18 year old want with a child. I know that you feel and may even look older than 13 but you are just a child. Your mom should have stopped the relationship with the 18 year old when it started. I think Child services should step in and get you the help you need. You are not even old enough to sign the papers for yourself at the hospital when you have the baby. I think you need some serious parenting classes so that you learn to be a better mom than you have. Your body has just gone through puberty and now it has to go through carrying a baby then childbirth. Your mom should have pressed charges against your boyfriend but instead she is just pushing her responsibilities off onto a pediphile.

    I know that you think I am being harsh. And I am sure that you say that age is just a number, I heard the same thing a couple of months ago from my own daughter, when she decided to have an 18 year old boyfriend that already has 2 children under the age of 1. Age is just a number when you are older. Would you want a 8 year old boyfriend? That is how old you were when your boyfriend was 13. Is your dad in the picture? Is there a family member (grandparent, aunt, cousin) that can help you. Don't move in with him. You are still a child and the relationship won't work. Call child services in your area and talk to them. Find out what your options are. How are you gonna raise a baby? You are not even old enough to work. Please get some help. Talk to someone other than your mom. The choices you make don't only effect you. They effect the baby. Child birth is hard on a woman, it is worse on a child. There are greater chances of the baby dying or the mother.

    Please get help.

  5. Well... If anytime you brake up with him... and gets mad... you will be putting him in jail... Cause it'll be rape.

    And mama... Yeah.. She won't help you know.

  6. I do not think you should move in with him. You are a baby and he is an adult. He can go to jail. You need to stay home and finish school. Tell your mom to care a little bit more.

  7. k im not gunna say wat everyone else of my frineds is 13 n pregant by a 18/19 yearold too but her mom is sendin him to jail i think since u r with him n yall did this to urselves maybe she is rite shes not kickin u out but showin u u may not be able to do this on ur own u need her now more then ever.. ur lucky she is as nice as she is n not lyk my friend..

  8. Your pregnant at 13!  That's not good at all! Maybe you shouldn't move in with your boyfriend... You may be too irresponsible to be living with him if your preegnant at 13.

  9. Hey I"m thirteen to and I think that you made a mistake in your life but everybody makes mistakes in their life. Yes you shouldn't be having s*x at thirteen I think that you should wait until your 17. I wouldn't suggest moving in with your boyfriend because  I seen a lot of situations where a young girl moves in with her boyfriend then the boyfriends leaves the young, then the young girl is homeless with a baby. So good luck :-)

    p.s- I hope that your not lying because if you are then that would just be sad.

  10. That, my friend, is statuatory rape.

    I think you've both misplaced your minds.

    It is my personal opinion that you do not have what it takes to raise a child. I hope you prove me wrong. I doubt you will!

    And I hope your child is born with a decent amount more brains than you and your boyfriend have between you.

  11. i agree .. i think in most states your mom can be charged with neglect for allowing you to leave . and you bf can be charged with rape you are 13 not 18. i really think you should look at adopting your baby. you are wayyyyyy too young and sounds like your home life is not a good place for this child . be honest what kind of mother can you be at 13???

  12. i had s*x when i was your age but it wasnt with someone who was that much older than me. too be honest its sick that you would do that with someone that much older and that he would do that to you. and your mom should not be letting you move in with him, he needs to go to college and get a job b4 he has a baby. your too young and so is he. and all of this will hit you when he walks out on you for someone older and leaves you with a screaming baby. and your mother seems to want nothing to do with it. so if you want to s***w up all your lives especially that babies thats your problem. mabey when your starving for food in your trailer and hes left you or is in jail because of you, you'll grow up and get a clue.

  13. thatsFUCKEDupbruh.

  14. I think your mama must have been 13 when she had you.  Isn't that statchtory rape?

  15. i think this whole plan is whack u should not of had s*x with a 19 year old to start with and u should of used protection since u did and u probably should not move in with him ur mom should keep u close and help u out ur way to young to be having a baby

  16. Not good at all. Its illegal he could get into so much trouble. you should do it if you want to. Your ruining your life anyways.

  17. I can't believe your mother would be okay with a 13-year old dating and living with a 19-year old.  He's past his teenage life and you are just now starting!  But I think your mother just doesn't want all the attention and responsibility of being the mom of a teenage mom.  She definitely still loves you, and she knows that you and your boyfriend must love each other as well, and she can't handle the pressure of a new baby.

  18. OMG are you serious?!

    I really don't know what to say.

    I'll pray for you, your baby and your crazy *** mother

  19. This is not true. Your other question says your bf is 19 and that you really really want a baby.

    I call fake.


    Edit: Not fake? Fine. Illegal? Yes. Rape? Yes. Punishable by serving time in jail? Yes. Get yourself to a clinic and get on with your life.

  20. i think its great

    miss up your life at 13

    and pregnant

    and hopefully you dont do drugs ; ]

    nice one


  21. I think it is okay. I know a girl that is 13 and just had her baby and lives with her boyfriend that is 21 years. I don't believe in statutory rape if you deiced to have s*x with an adult that is your decision cause you know what you are doing and you know what is wrong from right I'm 21 my husband is 27 I have been with him since I was 11 and he was 17. I lived with since I was 16 we got marry when I was 18 we have 2 kids.we  been together for 10 years I think this true love

  22. well does he live by himself or with his parents? and how do his parents feel about this ? obviously if he wants you to move in he is trying to take responsibility for his actions witch is good. but i think in your best interest you should stay at home with your mom then she ca insure you stay on track ad in school  the most important thig here is that you graduate high school ad stay focused so you ca offer the child the best life possible ...good luck

  23. You just said he was 18 and then he all of a sudden he's 19. Anyway You should not be messing around with a boy 5 or 6 years older.And your thirteen too. Tell your mom that if you go and live with him then at least contact her once a week.Are you ready to be a mother,Is he redy to be a father,or is this just  a sick joke.If ppl looked art your profile they would see if you were real or not.Im not to sure.

  24. Is he 18 or 19? Make up your mind... anyway, it's probably better he takes care of the baby than your mom i guess. Because if you stayed with her that's what would happen.

  25. i think that your boyfriend should be put in jail for child molestation or statutory rape. and think that your mother crazy and stupid for letting you live with him. and why is a 19 years old having s*x with a 13 years old any way, he couldn't find no one his own age he could be with. think about it, you are probably in the 8th grade or so and he graduate from high school (most likely) , why would he wanna hang or be with a child when he can  have a grown women that is on his own level.  something about your story doesn't sound right to me.

    good luck :)

  26. I think  that you are a fool! He could be arrested and go to jail for RAPE of a minor.

    I'm not even going to ask you why you didn't use a condom... sounds to me like your mom is dumping you on him. Be prepared for him to walk out on you when you are a couple of months into the pregnancy. Why an 18 year old would want anything to do with a 13 year old is beyond me. Sounds like he just wanted to get into your pants and it worked. He sounds like a paedophile. i would watch your child with him.

    your life as a teen is gone. No parties, no friends, no going to the mall, no hanging out, No sweet 16... I hope that you are happy. you have ruined your life as being a teen. your friends will drop you. You now have nothing in common with them. Nor will you ever. If I were you I would consider an abortion. face it the man that did this to you will be running in the other direction. then you will have to burden your parents with this.

    Call your local clinic

  27. I think your mom is insane and very stupid, and I also think YOU are a troll.

  28. oh my god? no offense but what the h**l were you thinking of having s*x when you are 13? you could have at least used a condom so that you wouldnt ruin your life and yet another poor baby that will have to be raised by a teen mother. I have no idea what the h**l your mother must be thinking letting you move in with a 18 year old!! what state do you live in, cuz here that would be charged as rape and the babys father would be going to jail since hes 18. well good luck and I hope you make the right choices!much love, -Sarah Kate

  29. O god i passed out! he should move in with yall you cant take care of that baby ur self it is bad just give the babe to your mom until u can raise it! stay in school! eat ur greens! and btw 18 and 13 that is illegal!


  31. Your mom is incredibly stupid.  This relationship won't last, what with all the added stress he'll have with raising two and the baby.  You are still a child, and your mom needs a reality check.
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